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急求成功人士访谈录稿 英文的

发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-21 03:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-03 01:38

Perez,39,is now creative director of the privately held Zumba Fitness.His success is all the more impressive given the obstacles he’s overcome.Raised in Cali,Colombia,by a single mother,Alberto “Beto” Perez was just 14 when his mom was injured by a stray bullet.To help support them,he worked three jobs.
All the while,he dreamed of turning his passion—dance—into something more,but he couldn’t afford lessons.(Perez says he saw the movie Grease when he was seven or eight,“and I knew I wanted to dance.”) What he lacked in formal training,though,he made up for in raw talent.At 19,he won a national lambada contest.One of Cali’s best academies called with an offer to study dance while teaching step aerobics.
One day,Perez forgot the music for his class.He had one cassette with him—Latin music he’d taped from the radio.“I improvised,” he says,“and that was the beginning of Zumba.”有一天,佩雷斯忘了带课堂音乐,他身边只有一盘录音带,上面是他从收音机里录的音乐.“我就即兴起舞,”他说,“尊巴舞出现了“.
Once the popular instructor got his break in Miami,would-be investors started approaching him about opening a gym.One of Perez’s students asked him to meet her son,Alberto Perlman.At 24,Perlman was doing market analysis on startups for an Internet incubator with his childhood friend Alberto Aghion (an operations guy) and watching his career options disappear with the dot-com crash.Perlman (now CEO of Zumba) hit it off with Perez immediately and recruited Aghion as COO and president.
With no money or experience,the partners needed to showcase Perez’s talents.They spent a night laying down plywood boards on Sunny Isles Beach,then invited Perez’s students to take a $20 class that they would film and show to potential investors.But after September 11,2001,all leads dried up.Eventually,they made an infomercial,which sold about a million DVDs in six months.
没有钱也没有经验,合伙人只有展现佩雷斯的才能.他们花了一个晚上在太阳岛海滩搭了木台,然后请来佩雷斯的学生出20美金上课,他们把课堂拍成片子给有兴趣的投资人看.但是,2001年9.11 以后,所有资源都干竭了.最后他们拍了商业广告片,在六个月中,卖了大约一百万张碟片.
What happened next caught them by surprise:People started saying,“I want to be an instructor,like Beto.” Since the first workshop,in 2003,the partners,based in Hollywood,Florida,have created a global community of instructors.For $30 a month,they can join the Zumba Instructor Network,post their class scheles,and access new music and choreography (zumba.com).
When asked about revenue,Perlman is tight-lipped:“We don’t disclose figures,but it’s in the many millions.” The partners say they’ve barely tapped the possibilities for the business.“We’re releasing a Nintendo Wii game in 2010 and adding to our Zumbawear line,” says Perez.“Expect to see our first sneakers soon!”
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