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发布网友 发布时间:2023-02-21 20:17



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 05:35

In 1, when do you feel tired?
Answer: such as mental pressure, sick cold when I felt a little tired.
2, when you feel tired when you will use any way to remove it?
Answer: for example, through physical exercise and adequate sleep to eliminate fatigue.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 05:35

1. When do you feel fatigued?
A: I often feel fatigued when my mental stressis too large or I am sick.
2. How do you eliminate it when you feel fatigued?
A: By doing physical exercises or having enough sleep.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 05:36

1, what time do you feel tired?
Answer: such as mental stress, illness, when catching a cold I feel some exhaustion.
2, when you feel tired when can you use what means to eliminate it?
Answer: for example through exercise or plenty of sleep to eliminate fatigue.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 05:36

1. When did you feel fatigued?
I felt fatigued when I had too much mental pressure and had a cold.

2. how did you eliminate fatigue when you felt fatigued?
I eliminated fatigue with body building and ample sleeping.

In 1, when do you feel tired?答:比如说精神压力过大,生病感冒的时候我会感到有些疲乏无力。Answer: such as mental pressure, sick cold when I felt a little tired.2,当你感到疲乏的时候你会用什么方式去消除它?2, when you feel tired when you will use any way to remove it?答...

大家帮我翻译一下(小学英语),O(∩_∩)O谢谢 这是我的卧室,有一张白色的...

a table and a red chair一张桌子和一把红色的椅子There is a book on the desk. 桌子上有一本书The table below is trash. 桌子的下面是垃圾桶The desk is yellow wardrobe, 桌子的旁边是黄色的衣柜there are a lot of clothes. 里面有很多衣服There is a map on the wall.墙上有一张地图...


I found the good friend LiYan, and she came to the village of the playground. Suddenly, we found a strange insects. This only strange insects also long six feet, every green, head of the front return long the two root long whisker. What is this stuff? LiYan seek to come t...

帮我翻译成英语一下谢谢! 大家好!我叫XXX我来自XXX地方。我家里有三...

I hope we can work hard to get good grades. Thank you

大家帮我翻译一下!小学英语。这是我的卧室,有一张床,床的旁边有一张桌 ...

a desk, on the desk there is a book,a lamp and a school bag. In front of the desk there is a chair. Also,there is a big window, a picture on the wall. Under the bed there is a pair of shoes.I like taking exercise.My father can drive.How do you spell apple?


你好,翻译结果如下:Chinese Summary Research Teaching as a new teaching ideas, the university's undergraduate education reform, development and redevelopment of a sense of innovation and innovative spirit and ability of high-quality personnel of the train and bring up; to promote the ...


Standing still on the beach, 一个人静静地站在沙滩上,thinking of the hurtful speech. 脑子里回荡着那些伤人的话Wondering why he had to be cruel, 想着他为什么要那么残忍对我,and makes the sand being washed away,我的泪水哗哗地流淌着,by my tears 冲冼着脚下的沙子 through...and thr...


I can't accept that one has the double emotion.Is it tiring?No matter whether you have the mind,I can be hard to understand you and not to communicate with you,for I find one-person enough.It is better to remember the promise....


i believe we can be good friends, and honest to each other.I hope I could be a member of our one-on -one mutual center, and dovote myself to the friendship of international communication. thanks.英汉翻译是我在大学时的专业课,我没有从字面死板的翻译你的原话,而是根据你的意思...

请大家帮我用英语翻译一下这段话行吗?谢谢了! 急急急!

What did you do recently? I'm sorry.Because of the exam,I'm so busy that I can not contact with you.What's the weather like in your country? In our country, it's clod.So please look after yourself.

谢谢大家用英语怎么说 帮我翻译一下英文 英语翻译器在线翻译 我很好谢谢用英语怎么说 谢谢翻译英文 谢谢你用英语怎么说 英语谢谢 谢谢翻译 有道在线翻译英语
领组词有哪些词语有 推荐点自己个人认为不错的 简洁点的手机铃声 还有短信音 重点是... 我这个配置能带动GTX760吗 请问我的电脑配置 是配GTX660还是GTX760 电源室安钛克 VP450P_百 ... 请问我这样的配置能带起GTX760不 我现在电脑想加显卡,目前看中GTX760,我这样的配置能配这显卡吗? 以下配置能上GTX760显卡吗 为什么四氧化三铁标不出化合价 ...下铅丹(用X表示)与硝酸能发生反应:X+4HNO3═PbO2+2 四氧化三铁(Fe 3 O 4 )中铁元素的化合价有+2和+3价,其化学式可改写为F... 请问不容易疲劳怎么翻译 非常疲惫用英语怎么说 fatique fatigue 两者做形容词的区别【机械方面】 请麻烦帮我翻译fatigue的中文意思 “筱”字十六画的来由 心死到凤凰涅槃什么意思 凤凰于心什么意思 小的同音字那个寓意好 文言文此的意思是什么意思是什么 应尽便须尽,无复独多虑的意思是什么? 心有凤凰是什么意思? 结合四字成语 中西合璧近义词 水中着盐的成语解释及意思 ...天上有行云,人在行云里。高歌谁和余?空谷清音 带笔和盐的四字成语有哪些 “讷言敏行”还是“巧言令色” cookery book是什么意思 "非鬼亦非仙,一曲桃花水。"上句是什么 七零八乱是不是四字成语 卷土而来和卷土重来的区别 龙卷风与排山倒海之势卷土而来,这句话中有病句吗? "龙卷风以排山倒海之势卷土而来"排山倒海这个词语用的对吗? 独孤求败名号威震天下,为什么乾坤五绝从没听过他的名字? 世界杯法国几个冠军 秦朝开始的年代 《人民英雄永垂不朽》结构特点 ...事至头来浑似梦,何如休要用心机。这两句的解释是如何? 人民英雄永垂不朽是总分总结构吗 明眸善睐的成语典故 人民英雄永垂不朽的写作结构是总分总吗 明眸善睐成语故事 和同四字成语 人民英雄永垂不朽采用了什么结构 事到头到浑似梦.劳心劳累竟何归.因何当初用心机.艮否兼多是与非? 人民英雄永垂不朽的文章结构 我想那飘缈的空中接着是什么? 人如蝼蚁尽缥缈,山河难尽尘中草,出自哪里 虚无缥缈的下一句 我想那缥缈的空中下一句