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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-05 05:38



热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 22:39

I love my parents.My father is a policeman.He works as a policeman for sixteen years.He loves his job very much.I think his job is a little dangrous.My mother is a teacher .She works as a teacher for seventeen years .She likes her students very much.Her students love her,too.I think her job is exciting.And I want to be a teacher too when I grow up

I have a good family .there are three people in my family -my parents and i.my mother is a teacher.and she love her students very much,she has taught for ten years.MY father is a painter ,and he can draw some beautifui pictures .He has darwed pictures since his nine yeas old .

My father work as an engineer in a factory, normally he start work at eight and finish at five. His main responsibility is to fix the problem on the machines. and he enjoy his work very much. My mother is a teacher. she teaches English in one of the best high-schools in the city. My mother likes to stay with student even after work time.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-23 22:40

My father work as an engineer in a factory, normally he start work at eight and finish at five. His main responsibility is to fix the problem on the machines. and he enjoy his work very much. My mother is a teacher. she teaches English in one of the best high-schools in the city. My mother likes to stay with student even after work time.
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