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求文档: 英语作文 《我的英语老师》十句话

发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-02 23:34



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 15:35

我来回答:My English Teather
My english teather is a handsome(男性)man/elegant young lady(女性).He/She is well ecated and he/she speak very loudly.
He/She care us classmate very well,and even doesn't want to speak angrily to us,i like he/she very much!
There are too many reasons for me to like he/she . When i don't know the answer of questions ,i often ask him(男性)/her,he(男性)/she(女性) will try his/her best to help me to know the answer clearly.Then ,he/she also is strict when our classmates make big mistakes .Today is teachers' day ,Happy teachers' day!

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 15:35

My English teacher
Most Chinese people these days know what it is like to have an “English teacher ” , since almost all pupils study English from the third year in school . Usually the very first English teacher for most of us is always a young and kind lady in primary school. But my first English teacher was none other than my mother. When I was a little child, she created an English environment by talking with me in English, let me listen to some English songs, and let me recognize the English words on the picture all around my room. That was really a good idea. It made me fancy to be interested in English! I’m interested in English, so I definitely was awaked when I began to learn English alphabet at school. When my English had a little progress, my mother let me remember some more English words from the English weekly or dictionary. Just imagine, I started to remember some words graally and I am “OK” to express myself more and more in English. Mother liked to have me recite, dictate and finally write the words from memory. When I make any mistakes, she will let me write the wrong words about 40 times. I could not understand how could a mother be so strict with her little son, but the English word did stay in my memory from then on.
Times passed, I eventually came to love English. My mother has been always there helping me as much as possible . I am sure that my English would never have come so far without her support . And that’s why I believe my mother is not only my English teacher but also my life long teacher. She is the one who awoke my interest, who gave me confidence and who offered me much needed help.
She, my mother, is really my good teacher.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 15:36

this is my English teacher.she is thirty—two year old. she likes dance and sing. she like to eat orange. she is a good teacher. l like she very much. 可再加几句 实在想不出了
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