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发布网友 发布时间:2023-03-25 17:48



热心网友 时间:2023-09-19 03:48

demand urgently for …

need… urgently
这里有个单词应该可以 Urgent

China impression


The first time to China to people, I want to be surprised by their hospitality. "Is it not delightful to have friends ing from distant quarters?" If you go to the country, can we truly appreciate the Chinese honest, not city pollution values. They will send a bowl of water when you are thirsty, pass by his side; they will pull your hand to invite you to dinner at his home, when he pass by you tired when edge. Sit on the ancient building of a mansion, dressed in a plain and Hanfu looks into the distance of the red sun, often appear in my dream..


Red Chinese knot is the woman on the deep wish to home, red red lantern carrying the blessing, the green pigment flute expresses the Maya good wish, thick walls kept us of home guard, that deep wooden table, deep ink, exquisite carving, flawless porcelain, that touch of red records the people's enthusia *** , fine and pure. They love freedom, the pursuit of perfection, enjoying the rich culture, maintaining the nature nature.


Land, is always Chinese ......
i am hurry to know your answer

Aspiring students eagerly waiting for the examination results
切的英语翻译 急切用英语怎么说

[词典] eager; urgent; impatient; imperative; on edge;


I am also looking urgently at how we can strengthen the law
我急切想知道发生什么事 英语怎么说

可翻译为: I couldn't wait to know what happened.
急切的需要翻译 英语翻译
"Ja *** ine" is a typical female subjects, it is adapted from a novel su tong women's life. With the progress of Chinese society, the status of women in many ways to improve graally, has realized the equality between men and women. Women ecation opportunities to accept more, more and more open, vision, and no longer suffer greatly liberation of traditional feudal ideology. At the same time, most women have started from all walks of life, even to important state intervention in the economy, and their departments and fields of ine in the role that makes the sky position increasingly ignored. However, women liberation go15, realistic society stockpile of patriarchal culture for thousands of years, women's own psychological accumulation still find it hard to get rid of, still need to women's efforts of the whole society and to achieve ultimate strength of equality.
昭君怨诗词大全(5首昭君怨古词) 道是春来花未,道是雪来香异。竹外一枝斜,野人家。词中吟诵的是 萌萌带着自己的压岁钱去买笔记本,买了2本后还剩1.8元。如果买同样的笔记... ...1.8元,买同样的作业本四本差2.4元,作业本多少钱一本。给算得方法说... ...如果买同样的硬面钞4本则差2.40元,那么小明带了多少钱? 小明带一些钱去买作业本,买两本之后还剩1.8元;如果买同样的练习本4本则... 我的QQ总是被盗,烦死了,我总要改密码,怎样才不会被盗密码? 我跟一个好兄弟绝交了有1年9个月,没有联系没有来往,但我的心一直惦记... ...了。最近他听说我生病做手术回来了,就去班长那里问我的近况,加我... 请问神舟七号载人航天飞行的圆满成功,将对我国经济产生哪些积极影响... 迫切的想知道,英语怎么说 黄桃罐头可以加热吃吗 黄桃罐头怎么做 2022年农历一月属兔人进新房日子 宜入新宅吉日吉时? 入宅择吉 2022虎年4月属鼠人入新宅吉日吉时? 入宅择吉 2022虎年7月属鼠人入新宅吉日吉时? 实验室平行和现场平行样什么意思 平行样品,一个合格一个不合格怎么发结果 平行样需要唯一性标识吗 “坐语风生舌”出自哪一首诗词 为什么说京师同文馆是近代中国“新教育”的开端 培训中心名称 机构起名特色好名 傲视的诗句是什么 傲视词性是什么 求求求!!@!哈利波特中所有演员的真实身份?最好带着精美图片的!!!谢谢 谁知道演<哈利波特>里赫敏的演员还演过什么电影 落日晚霞的解释 艾玛·沃特森当颁奖嘉宾,气质逊色,她曾演绎过哪些经典角色? 壁花少年的获奖记录 红山文化是中国北方地区的新石器时代文化其居民大多过着什么的生活 - 信息提示 迫切的反义词_迫切的近义词_迫切的词语解释 蝴蝶比喻句 蝴蝶比喻句怎么写 蝴蝶的比喻句 超威1号石墨烯电池怎么样啊 三星手机怎么实现同时登2个? 电器辐射后有什么症状 对于电辐射危害,会产生什么症状? 魔兽世界废品站怎么用 永劫无间枪怎么撑杆跳 每年()为全民国家安全教育日。 包裹侠是什么意思 有三个小圆求他们能送包裹这个动画片是什么 住户类型指的是什么 什么是住户类型 联邦美莱卡顶级蚕丝隐形面膜的六大特点 贝壳粉价格,贝壳粉六大特性介绍 住户类型是什么意思? 渣女六大特征 帮别人解封会有危险吗? 天然气公司要求用他的燃气热水器怎么办