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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 09:12



热心网友 时间:2023-06-26 08:05

你好。6月15日,翻译成英语是:June 15th。


热心网友 时间:2023-06-26 08:05

June 15

热心网友 时间:2023-06-26 08:06

On June 15,

我每天都钓鱼.和我爷爷喂养小鸡。它是非常开心的。听起来太棒了。那里的天气怎么样?它是好的,空气是这么干净。我在夜里看星星。它们是那么漂亮。你很幸运。2b 6月15日 今天我去学校郊游了。我们参观了科学博物馆,并且它真的很有趣我们乘火车很快到达了那里。沿途我们看到了一些农场和村庄。在博物...


We would recommend you for the Singapore Ministry of Education Tuition Grant Deed (TGD) uder the terms and confitions listed in Attachment 3.(意思是学校推荐你去TGD学院,相关条款参考3号附件) However , you are required to complete Attachment 1a , pay for and attend English classes in...


1. Could you please print the attached eletronic schedule for the period after March 1 and then fax it to Miss Lin? (The schedule is attached with a ticket number)2. Please provide us with six tickets for each of the three concerts in Britain, France and Germany respectively. ...


I was so afraid that you wounldn''t pick up the phone,so I just sent the messages to you.Really wanna call you,But...I just found the candys you gave to me,and I really want you to know that you're the one I just can't give up.Maybe you're still angry with me...

请把以下句子翻译成英文 请准确 快速

1 Erie to the whole people into the market positioning of milk, that is, 'Drink from the ordinary people of milk.2 At the same time, take into account the customer base for high-end development. In the high-end customers concerned about the quality of products, but also more...


Your student, Xiao Xiao February 17, 2022 尊敬的高老师,我很抱歉的告诉您,今天我无法上学了,因为我昨天晚上不小心感冒了。今天早上我妈妈带我去看了医生,医生说我需要在家休息三天。所以,特向您请假三天,恳请您批准。您的学生,萧笑。2022年2月17日 为了可以让大家更好的理解,下面提供大概的...


6.Pakcing should meet the favorite of our current marketing.7.According you appointed packing,we need gather the fee because it need the additional labor force and cost.8.Can you quote us the litmusless packing about the can.9.There is half per paper box,only one color for our...


1, I remember fondly me to become wing, let I the invisible happy angel take it, flying to you nearby.2, I am a wild flower of commonness like the wayside, treating quietly everyday, be not willing to release to come from personal weak flavor.Coagulate everyday, waits for ...


申报价值 : claimed value 合计金额 : total sum 中文品名 : name of goods (Chinese)到付金额 : freight to collect 英文品名 : name of goods (English)其他费用 : other expenditure 件数 : number of item 重量 : weight 长,宽,高 : measurment (length, width, height)备注 : notes ...

急 帮忙翻译下面汉语成英文句子 你好我叫李华.2010年6月3日我搭乘你们...

and ten, I found that my luggage has left on the airplane. My luggage is black in colour, rectangular shape and two of my bank card and identity card is inside the luggage. Please do help me to look for the luggage, look forward to hear from you soon, thank you.

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