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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 08:38




Hello,I am one of your fans from China.when you went to Japan for the first time,we heard what you said that"Japan is quiet well,it is likes another world",which caused our laugh,for you loved Asia and you had come here.So, we followed your sight and toured Japan.The ...


今天对于Agnes来说是很重要的一天,在久病之后她将要离开医院了。她的丈夫Clark给她推着轮椅。他们在经过医院大门的时候跟护士们说了再见。Agnes 已经病了6个多星期,医生们对他的病情不是很确定,开始他们认为她需要手术。(不过)最后,经过多项检测,医生们给她开了些新药。现在她基本康复了。




Dear Sir of Xx:I am the xxx of the company of xxx, long time no see,how is everything?Very presumptuous at you 100 favours in bother you, I have such a problem want to ask.While collecting the related information of industry in the work, usually realize your company to ...


"See again, mother."The mother go to at work ."Good boredom, have what matter can do?"The laura turned over to turn over calendar."The good elephant is my birthday today."The laura makes a phone call to invite her friend to attend her birthday party.Tinkling, the door ...

谁可以用 英语 帮我翻译下面的一段话~~拜托了~!!

原来叶子的离去,不是风的追求,而是树的不挽留!译文如下:Originally the leaf leave, is not a breeze to pursue, but the tree does not request to stay !其实还可以做另一种解题得.

谁能帮我把这篇用英语翻译一下啊。 写作文要用的,注意时态,是已经发 ...

First, in order to protect environment, some students attended the planting trees and picking up trash; Second, many man-made forest protection and animal donation; Third, as well as the students to passers-by propaganda are coming, wild animals forest killed the consequences.We hope...

...写篇六年级的英语小短文,及翻译 急急急~~~拜托了!

1.Yesterday was my birthday, so some of my classmates sent me presents. Mother prepared a tea party for me. I invited all of them to come and take part in it.The tea party began at half past six. There were cold drinks and refreshments. We ate, talked and laughed. We ...

帮忙翻译一下这段话 我们做手抄报要用! 急! 拜托了

over the killing is one of the main threats to the endangered. At the same time, forest harvesting thoroughly destroyed the survival of their habitat, resulting in distribution is not coherent, narrow distribution, eventually leading to extinction.Number remaining: about 5000 only ...


Teachers, you nurture us from ignorance into full development of students, this crystallization of how much effort and sweat you ah! Teachers, you give us the knowledge and strength, give us courage to overcome difficulties and let us go forward.,you let us know the truth in ...

谁能帮我英语怎么翻译 能帮我加热一下吗英文怎么说 谁能帮助我用英语怎么说 没能帮到您用英文怎么说 您能帮个忙吗英语翻译 我能帮助你英文 谁能帮助我英语 我能帮他们拿东西英文 我能帮你吗英文怎么写
我永远都不会离开,除非某一天你不要我了,你我认定了,我要娶你做老婆... 安徽中考志愿 火车2673列9号车厢96号座 五四青年节以梦为马,不负韶华,青年不轻,逐梦有年 中国东海在哪个省 你认为国家安全是什么 广西北流万盛御翠园能上北流实验中学吗 我现在高中,要给我同桌生日祝福,请有文笔的高手给点建议 哪些茶叶最好喝 最好的十种中国茶 上班太耽误搞钱了 5万4日元是多少人民币 玩具总动员中文配音是谁 现在4W日元相当于多少人民币 偶像活动第二季的人物介绍谢了 4千日元换多少人民币 小学英语知识 BATTLE的成员介绍 四干日元等于多少人民币 玩具和文具的英语单词 4日元是よえん还是よんえん? 外国电影名,越多越好(中文和英文名) 潮男 男装品牌??谁能推荐一个? 华特迪士尼怎么死的 小学到初中常用的词汇 谁是RAIN 关于DAIGO 谁知道巴斯光年的资料 怎样把“我喜欢的玩具是小星星”这句话译成英语 有关英语的问题 有关日本唱片公司 日元的符号怎么写 求好玩的单机游戏 1万4日元多少人民币 5万4日元换人民币多少钱 3万4日元是多少人民币 日元4月19日的汇率是多少 41万日元是多少人民币 4万日元怎么换成人民币 现在日元的汇率是多少 4.3w日元等于人民币 46600日元多少人民币 fod817与pc817的区别 如图所示,求∠A+∠B+∠C+∠D+∠E+∠F+∠G的度数 fod达到最大值 什么歌最牛B? 校友邦事业网怎么样?用的方便吗?能找到好实习吗 国燃能源科技发展(深圳)有限公司怎么样? 山东国燃能源科技发展有限公司怎么样? 中油国燃能源(大连)有限公司怎么样? 国燃能源(莆田)有限公司怎么样?