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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-15 18:41



热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 16:41

Many teachers say that the responsibility of learning on the students themselves.Teachers hope students proficient on the reading layout tasks related materials,These materials, although perhaps not in the classroom or included in the discussions within the scope of the examination.An outstanding student motivation to learn and study, which is not only to get high marks,scores of students eager to learn because some teachers that the mandate given scores and unnecessary frustration.Sometimes back operations and made only a few brief comments did not score.If not to score, students should also learn from the layout operations.When the students complete the layout research, the professors hope that students do not need much guidance to complete the initiative.In the library to find reference books, magazines, articles, which are the responsibility of the students.Professor does not have time to explain how to use the library.Professor hope that students, particularly graate students use library resources to the greatest extent possible upswing.If professors will help students in need, but they do not want students to complete their dependence on the United States.In addition to teaching professors, the department will also take up some administrative work.In addition, they also released some books and papers.Therefore, a professor and students in extracurricular spend more time together is very limited.If a student has a problem, I would like to ask in the academic, a professor in office hours or an appointment.It is not enough just saw 175,419 students attend, they will have participated in a number of other learning activities.Some professors students will participate in the oral reference as part of the final score.Despite the formal teaching process, the students in a passive (for example,Attendance and note-taking), but also to organize some classroom discussion, students ask questions, etc. to teach informal teaching activities.Professor decision is a way to teach students to participate in classroom activities to the extent and patterns of another.Some professors prefer to write their own control to discuss the West professors like to do something just for the students guide the discussion.Professor encourage students to learn more on their views questioned.In science and math classes, primarily using the traditional teaching methods.Teachers teach student's note.But in the last 20 years, new teaching ideas began teaching in the humanities and the social sciences.In ecation, social psychology class, the students often use the study group, curriculum design, speechassessment methods to resolve the issue.In turn, some of the university courses are used rather than theoretical, and they focus more on practice and participation.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-25 16:42

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