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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-30 00:18



懂视网 时间:2022-04-15 23:12

Join us at the CAP Code-fest


Free to Attend !!!

IT Industry teaming with Emergency Communication Experts for a hands-on with warning/alerting software to experimently develop exciting solutions.

ANYONE CAN JOINthe CAP Code-fest and it is Free to Attend.

  • Experiment with interchanging warning/alerting information with disparate software solutions and then build new interfaces between them.
  • Play with various domain specific software designs, XML-based interoperable data structure, information interchanging Application Programming Interfaces (OData APIs), Databases, or simply be a Lurker and give a helping hand with researching concepts.
  • A fun activity with outcomes expected to contribute towardsIT tools in SAVING LIVES.
  • The event is co-hosted bySahana,Virtusa,LIRNEasia,WMO,ITU, andOASIS.
  • 19th June 2014 starting at 9am .

    View Larger Map

    TheCAP-enabled software toolwe would use and experiment with:

  • Sahana-Eden Alerting and Messaging Broker(Web2PyMVC and a Publisher/Subscriber messaging architectures.
  • CAP Editor, aJava2EEbased tool for publishing validated Multiple Language CAP messages to the Google Alerthub.
  • Mobile CAP Tool(HTML/Javascript) app for publishing and managing CAP messages with a SMART phone and MySQL back-end
  • CAP ITU Software, a Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) based Single Language CAP Publisher and Subscriber.
  • REGISTER – this is anIndian Ocean Tsunami 10th Anniversary event. We encourage the Media and Lurkers to join.Coder tell us your choice of tool you want to work on.

    The ordered list of activities we will work on as teams

    We are applying aGoal Improvement HCI Methodologyis to experiment with enhancing software components for interchanging various alerting message between the CAP-enabled software tools. For such we have identified the followingintents:

    A) Develop a Sahana (OData-like) S3XML data structure to CRUD pictographs used in alerting. The teams will determine the optimal set of CAP elements to build in to the HTTP RESTful Request APIs. Thereafter, the CAP Editor, Mobile CAP Tool, and ITU CAP Software will use the APIs to publish a message with the pictograph

    B) Establish a set of parameters for exchanging measurement data; first document the norms in the Sahana wiki; then enhance each of the CAP-enabled tools to use the parameter values to change the visualization (e.g. flash flood water height to display the inundation region on a map).

    C) Emulate aGoogle Alerthubtest base for experimenting with RSS/Atom feeds for a Common Operating Picture; using the Sahana-Eden’s Crisis Map with spatial and temporal filtering capabilities.

    For More details visit: http://eden.sahanafoundation.org/wiki/Event/2014/IOTX/cap-codefest-2014


    热心网友 时间:2022-04-15 20:20

    n.行为准则; 代码,密码; 法典; 信号;
    vt.将…译成电码; 编码,加密;
    vi.为…编码; 指定遗传密码;


    Good php code should be structured.

    Good php code should be secure.

    热心网友 时间:2022-04-15 21:38


    n.行为准则; 代码,密码; 法典; 信号;
    vt.将…译成电码; 编码,加密;
    vi.为…编码; 指定遗传密码;



    Good php code should be structured.


    热心网友 时间:2022-04-15 23:13

    代码 代码
    手机为啥投屏不到电视上 投屏到电视机上为什么不行了呢? 什么是超买状态,如何看出—个股票处于超买状态了? 用电脑怎么弄表格在电脑上制作表格怎么制作 ...明细帐、财务报表,带公式,EXCELE格式的文件,能发给我吗谢_百度... 电脑出入库表格怎么做作为一个仓管员excel表格如何做出入库存库存电脑会... 你好,可以发下库存管理的EXCEL表格么?衣服面料辅料都要统计,谢谢!麻烦... 电脑怎么制作电子表格如何用电脑制作表格 你好,能给我发一份出纳excel 做账模板现金流水账表格 芝麻香鸡有什么值得推荐的做法? 谁还会帮我把寻呼机的设置搞好,它显示no code? 中国电信高清盒子no code是什么意思  好换了怎么找回以前的好友 code no.与part no.帮忙翻译一下 微信换号了.怎么找回以前的好友 “易联通”座机显示no code是什么意思? code no 什么意思 换了怎么找回微信好友 电话设置中的ocode,area,sel,sleep,song,no code都是什么意思 我码被换了,好友也被删完了,可以找回来吗? 换了以前的微信好友怎么找回来? mysql中,先分组,按某个字段计数,然后把计算出的数求和,怎么写, 怎样修改群号 想知道微信群里的朋友电话号码,怎样操作才可以。 在群里有的人是(名字)名字有的是(号码)名字,这是为什么呀怎样才能把(号码)名字改为(名字)名字? 如何把微信群里的电话给改了? 腾讯在线客服官网我账号7月6日被盗了,我想要查询一下我账号的申诉记录,或者换绑记录,时间和地点_百度问一问 mysql where后面能接分组函数吗 qq发送的视频失效怎么找回 有谁知道,加装电梯一般怎么选择啊? QQ被盗换了新号怎样快速恢复好友 don't touch me no code什么意思 换了号,如何找回以前的QQ好友,况且那号不能用了。 手机换号了怎么才能找回以前的联系人 Nocode Store是什么? 资材CODE NO是什么意思 在线等,求翻译这句话no code needed offer prices as marked 请问下IE CODE NO. 和PAN NO.是什么意思?客户要求我写在*上,急!!!谢谢 座机数字按键147no code 2. noappcode是什么意思 NAICS Code 什么意思 瘦身男女跳舞毯显示NO BOOTCODE是什么意思? 速卖通纠纷出现 no error code是什么原因 no swift code was provided是什么意思? 为什么在农历八月十五潮汐最大 钱塘江中秋节观潮是几点 中秋节什么时间涨潮? 江苏南京一带观潮是中秋节吗 为什么中秋节适合观潮? 中秋节为什么要去钱塘江观潮