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麻烦给我经济学告诉,英语达人 ,帮我翻译以下段落

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-14 21:49



热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 07:48


热心网友 时间:2024-12-03 07:48

GDP growth is a reflection of the country, and per capita, scale of economy, the level of economic development, economic structure and the general price level change, so it is a fundamental index of investigation of international universally applicable national economic development the important tool changes. Correct understanding and reasonable use this indicator for investigation and evaluation, comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development status of economic significance.
If we conclude from the GDP data to the national standard of living, then it would be too hasty. GDP can not fully reflect the changes in people's living standards. First, GDP does not adequately reflect the administrative services, ecation services, health services and other public services, economic development and social progress in the role, so it can not fully reflect the improvement of public services, the impact on people's living standards; the second is e GDP does not reflect the employment status, income distribution and social welfare state, so that it does not reflect these aspects of social progress brought about the improvement of people's living conditions, GDP does not reflect the minimum living allowance, unemployment insurance, medical insurance, housing security improve the situation. ; Third, the GDP does not reflect the natural environment, so that it can not reflect the environmental damage and environmental improvement of people's quality of life. For example, consumption of land resources, water resources, forest resources, mineral resources; such as water pollution, air pollution, land pollution, GDP does not reflect the economic costs caused by resource consumption and environmental damage costs. GDP can not fully reflect the conscious action of human beings to improve the natural environment. If you compare between countries, then there are many factors that GDP does not correctly reflect the standard of living, First of dollars to the GDP is converted, and then in comparison, so the exchange rate will affect the comparison of GDP and the exchange rate on import and export also have an impact, so more difficult to accurately determine how much the exchange rate to deviate from the value of bringing GDP. secondly, price increases, because the normal, the prices of each proct every year, so even if the yield is as much, but the value is larger, so will the price fluctuations in GDP volatility. thirdly, the different levels of consumption in each country, to daily necessities such as in China, a pound of rice is 10P, but the British have to 50P, relatively speaking, the two residents, UK residents spending in this area is 5 times more than China, However, as some digital procts or high-tech procts, prices do the same, so increased the price difference between measuring the difficulty, in the end because you can not accurately calculate how much is spent on daily necessities, and how much is spent on high-tech procts. Fourthly, e to geographical differences, differences between rich and poor, so even if we can accurately calculate the per capita GDP, it was only average, does not reflect the exact level of consumption. ......
If we in Britain want to compare the standard of living. They can not be run from the GDP, from health care, longevity, welfare, ecation, human rights, poverty, quality of life, public safety, the environment.
From the data, the United Kingdom in the ecation, health care, welfare, human rights, environmental resources better than China, only bad thing is that the unemployment rate higher than China, but because of Britain's welfare system is better, so even though some people unemployment, but life is still secure. So you can say is that the British standard of living higher than China.
Personal point of view, can not expect GDP to meet the requirements of all aspects of the world, not a single statistical indicators to do this. The key is we have to know what can be done by GDP, can not do, in its scope, the proper use of it; more than GDP in the scope of application of other suitable areas to play the role of statistical indicators.

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