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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 23:11



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 12:38

>Is mainly engaged in the network information security aspect the research and development work, stresses in the department in the network encryption device's research and development and the post-sale technical support. > participates in the encryption reading the card, USBKey and the encryption network card, the network cipher machine's research and development, the proction, the debugging and the service; > familiar commonly used DSP (for example C33, F206, 89C5X) the processor, can use the C language to carry on DS the P programming, the USB chip programming and the end proct test order compilation. > understood that the embedded linux performance history, has participation based on the IPX425 linux embedded development, understanding essence cutting out, the filing system, the application procere compilation. > has participated in the national some institution network security transmission system's installment, the technical explanation and training, as well as post-sale technical support; > familiar network protocol and commonly used algorithm, familiar TCP/IP and network programming, ethernet network technology; > to CA, PKI network security authentication certain understanding. > familiar Windows/NT/Linux/Unix development environment and tool, is skilled in C/C++ to program > to grasp VC, Java, the database development language

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 12:38

> Mainly engaged in network information security research and development work, the department emphasis on the development of network encryption equipment and after-sale technical support.
> Involved in encryption reader, USBKey and encryption card, network password for the development, proction, testing and maintenance;
> Familiar with the commonly used DSP (such as C33, F206, 89C5X) processor, can use the DS P C language programming, USB chip programming and finished the preparation of the test proceres.
> Embedded linux understanding of the development process, based on IPX425 involved in the development of embedded linux, understanding core tailoring, file system, the preparation of applications.
> Participated in a national network security organs of the transmission system installation, on technology and training, and after-sale technical support;
> Familiar with the common network protocols and algorithms, and is familiar with TCP / IP networks and programming, Ethernet networking technology;
> On CA, PKI network security certification must understand.
> Familiar with Windows / NT / Linux / Unix development environment and tools, proficiency in C / C + + programming
> Master VC, Java, database development language

Basic Course:Basic English,English Extensive Reading, Advanced English,English Audio-Visual, English Grammar, English Writing, etc. 专业课程:商贸英语,导游英语,笔译课程,口译课程,英美文学等 Professional English: Business English, English for Tour Guides, Written Translation Course, Interpretation Course, Br...


I 98-20 in the period in the company, customer service, to Shanghai in 2000 after studying law professionals, graduate and then return to the company. In the company five years engaged in legal, administrative, customer service, and other related work, in charge of the integrated...


个人简历Resume 基本信息 Basic information 姓名 Name 性别Gender 男male 民族Nationality 汉Han 出生日期 Birth date 学历Diploma 大专 3-year college 专业Major 应用化工技术 Applied chemistry technology 毕业学校 University 主修外语Major 英语English 电话Tel 籍贯 Birth place 现居住地 Address 简历...


have certain understanding to the textile industry, and be familiar with all kinds of textile and garment standard, can be carried out and trend of fabric technology support. There are rich resources of suppliers and customer resources. Sales: familiar with fabric characteristics, ...


this interview,hoping that I can succeed in passing it and I shall make contribution for our company as a new member!感觉你写的简历太简单了,而且你的爱好与公司的需求关系不大,这样不利于给公司留下好印象.你应该说自己喜欢英语什么的,说些与公司的需求有关的爱好 ,这样会好些.祝你成功!


Participation to determine the price of the combination of key commodities, category plan, plan and specific commodity series, the structure of the demand plan;According to brand annual business plan, the department of "time schedule of the year," and "annual budget plan".According to...


English applies ability A level; Have the spoken language conversation ability that the civil aviation floor serves , can carry out daily spoken language's interactive and communicating with. Computer ability: And the whole nation computer grade first order have an exam, obtains the one...


The work of the logistics operators, organic combination of my professional and expand the professional knowledge, I have to learn from advanced management and more effective methods of work.Personality, cheerful, warm, lively, self-confidence, self-discipline, a sense of responsibility, ...

英文简历翻译 请大侠帮我翻译一下,跪求,急用~

Computer secondary level, familiar with office software operation, the C programming language design, CAD drawing etc engineering software Good skills in English, reading and writing ability Have good management ability, during the period of school once organized party and other large ...


I have good overall quality, can bear hardships and stand hard work, steady principle, the courage to challenge themselves and develop their own potential, active, positive work enthusiasm, willing to communicate with people, good team unity, diligent, strong ability to adapt ...

英文简历范文带翻译 个人简历英文翻译 英语教师英文简历 英文简历翻译价格 翻译求职英文简历 简介英文翻译 大侠或者侠客的英文 正式英文简历 英文简历
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