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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-12 11:51



热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 09:33

After graation, I worked as a technician in the electrical group in xx city. In statistics, I worked for nearly 5 years.

I think I can't go on like this, I decided to take the postgraate entrance exam.

Why do I choose the major of law? Because I think law is sacred and I have learned the weapon of law to protect myself and help others. Every time I see so many poor people receive grievances can not complain I feel inexplicable heartache, although my personal strength is limited, but I still want to contribute their own strength.

I was born in a small village. My parents are both farmers. I usually work in a nearby factory. They are working too hard. Thinking of these, I think I am really useless. I hope that through my own efforts, I can enable them to live a good life in the near future.





1. 你为什么要考研?

2. 你是否有出国的打算?你对出国有什么看法?

3. 你读研期间的规划是什么?

4. 你有什么特长和爱好?

5. 你最喜欢什么书籍/电影?为什么?

6. 你如何评价你的大学生活?






热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 09:34



译文:After graation, he worked in the electrical group of a certain city, worked as a technician, and worked as a technician for nearly 5 years. I feel that I can no longer mix up like this. I resolutely decided to take the postgraate entrance examination. 

Why do I choose law as my major? Because I think law is sacred. If I learn the law well, I can protect myself and help others with the weapon of law. Every time I see so many poor people who can't complain when they are wronged, I feel inexplicable heartache, although my personal strength is limited, but I still want to contribute their own strength. 

I was born in a small village, my parents are farmers, usually working in a nearby factory, after work and busy farming. They are really too hard. I think of these I really feel useless, I hope that through their own efforts, in the near future they can lead a good life.




热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 09:34

After graation, I worked as a technician in the electrical group in xx city. In statistics, I worked for nearly 5 years.
I think I can't go on like this, I decided to take the postgraate entrance exam.
Why do I choose the major of law? Because I think law is sacred and I have learned the weapon of law to protect myself and help others. Every time I see so many poor people receive grievances can not complain I feel inexplicable heartache, although my personal strength is limited, but I still want to contribute their own strength.
I was born in a small village. My parents are both farmers. I usually work in a nearby factory. They are working too hard. Thinking of these, I think I am really useless. I hope that through my own efforts, I can enable them to live a good life in the near future.【点击了解更多课程内容】

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 09:35

After my graation I found my job in XX's electrical group as an technician and I had carried on the statistical works for nearly 5 years.I evantually determined taking part in the postgraate entrance examination.
If you ask me the reason why I chose the law major, it is because the laws are very holy in my mind.Furthermore, I can protect others include myself through the weapon of laws by means of learning it well.I feel pains from the bottom of my heart each time I see so much people can not find a way to ask for justice.It is true that my personal capability is limited,but I hope to make my own contribution.I was born in a small village.My parents are farmers and working in a factory near by, so they have to be in charge of doing farm works after coming back from the factory.They can't be busier any more.This makes me feel useless and depress.I deadly wish to make a better life for them by my own efforts in the coming future.

热心网友 时间:2024-10-23 09:35

After graation, i worked as a technician, statistics,in the electrical group in XXX city, for nearly five years. I think I can't mix it up any more, I decided to take part in the examination of the postgraate entrance examination. I choose to major in the law , because I think the law is very sacred, learning the law can be the legal weapons to protect themselves and help others. Whenever I see so many poor people receive grievances can not complain I feel the heartache, although my personal strength is limited, but I still want to contribute my own strength. I was born in a small village, my parents are farmers, usually work in a nearby factory, and also busy farm work. They are really too hard. Thinking of these I feel really useless, I hope to through my own efforts, in the near future can let them live a good life.
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