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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 13:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 18:14

第一句:Kodomo no hi or Japanese Children's Day is a festival originally for boys but which has been renamed for both sexes that is on the fifth day of the fifth month each year is a public holiday and a day when the sky is crowded with carp kites strung from bamboo flagpoles or from the rooftops.
第二句:Otherwise known as 'Sobu no Sekku' (Iris Festival) or 'Tango no Sekku' (May 5th Festival), Children's Day is in fact actually a festival which celebrates the future success and health of sons although it has allegedly been adapted in more recent years to incorporate girls as well since the Girls' Festival in March is not a public holiday.
第三句:One of the alternative names, the Iris Festival was taken from the 12th century belief that the long, sharp leaves of the iris are swordlike so, placing iris leaves in a boy's bath is supposed to make him more martial.
第四句:One of the alternative names, the Iris Festival was taken from the 12th century belief that the long, sharp leaves of the iris are swordlike so, placing iris leaves in a boy's bath is supposed to make him more martial. This meant that he would grow and develop with courage and strength.
第五句:This is only one of the many symbols surrounding this day, most of which have to do with strength and health and success.
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