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问题:你为什么选择化学这个专业 ?请用英语回答59

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-11 19:34



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 06:14

To begin with, chemistry is known as the central science, which means it has close relationship with almost every field of modern science. With the development of mathematics and physics, approaches and theories of chemistry research is eminently advanced while applied chemistry promotes the research works of biology, enviromental science, information technology, etc. It was alleged that 20th century is the century of physics and 21th century is the century of life science and information science. However, thanks to the proposal of quantum theory, theoretical chemistry was greatly boosted and similarly, without the improvement of chemistry, especially analytical and synthetical methods, life science and information technology will face their bottlenecks. Thus, it can be claimed that both 20th and 21th centuries can be considered as the centuries of chemistry.
Secondly, chemistry permeates into nearly every corner of human life and society. For example, a large part of clothing manufactured today are at least partly made of synthetic fiber and stained by organic dyes. Besides, there can hardly find any food without additives. Moreover, though the utilization of artificial fertilizers and pesticides are criticized a lot, without these things, most of human beings on this planet would suffer from famine. In addition, advanced materials provides firmer packages, warmer houser, and safer transportation.
The last but not the least, chemistry is the discipline which I love. As is known to all, interest is the best teacher. Therefore, I believe I can learn it well. That's why I choose it as my major.
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