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有首英文歌其中一句是切你丫 切你切你切你丫是这种感觉,能告诉我这首歌叫什么吗?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 12:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 07:59

You Are My Everything - Lexington Bridge

Baby I can't let you go
I think about you all the time
Think about you all the nights
You and me we creepin' next to the sea
You brought the fresh champagne
And I'd light the fire
Sometimes I really ask myself
Do you really wanna lean on this man
Remember all the beautiful moments
We share
My darling please think twice
Baby I
I swear to god up in the sky
I'll be your shelter when you cry
Cause you are my everything
Baby I
I travelled around the seven seas
I'd climb any mountain high
And speak to you
Cause you are my everything
Oh I think I'm lost in the wind
Without you by my side
There is no one who can hold me
Together we would fight any storm
I could show you how
Just give me your hand now
I really wanna make you mine
(to make it feel alright)
Baby for all the time
I never let you feel down
Cause you surrender my heart
Baby I
I swear to god up in the sky
I'll be your shelter when you cry
Cause you are my everything
Baby I
I travelled around the seven seas
I'd climb any mountain high
And speak to you
Cause you are my everything
I'll be there whenever you call
I wash the teardrops from your skin
Cause in my dreams
I've made such a plan
For you and me
We built a castle
Where we could settle down my friend
Romantic melodies been played
By the wind
Baby I
I swear to god up in the sky
I'll be your shelter when you cry
Cause you are my everything
Baby I
I travelled around the seven seas
I'd climb any mountain high
And speak to you
Cause you are my everything
I really wanna make you mine
Baby you're not for all the time
I never let you feel down
I want you to be around
I really wanna make you mine
Baby you're not for all the time
I never let you feel down
I really wanna make you mine
Baby you're not for all the time
I never let you feel down
I want you to be around
I really wanna make you mine
Baby you're not for all the time
I never let you feel down
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