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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 13:36



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 00:58

All of your orders have been received.

1. Please adjust the quantity of the fifth item, 3 x 850kgs should be 2550kgs.

2. Your required shipping time for PO#PO10305/10306 is the fifth of Novemebr, the pick-up time of the good would be first of November, we will have a big stock for October which is not allowed bu company, so can we send the goods by the end of October, we can book the ship on 28th of October.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 00:58

1 Please revise the fifth quantity, 3*850kgs should be 2550kgs
2 Order form PO10305/10306 you request the time which delivers goods are on November 5, such words take delivery of goods also in November 1, our October's stock quantity will be very big, this will be the company does not permit, can therefore deliver goods ahead of time to the end of October, in October 28 will have the ship.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 00:59

this is to certify that all of your orders have been received.

1. please revise content in section 5 from 3850kgs to 2550kgs
2. the delivery date on PO.... is Nov 5th upon your request which will be the pick up date as well. In such case our compay will have a large inventory for Oct and we would like to avoid that. Therefor would you please change delivery date early to Oct 28th when vessel is also available on that day if possible.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 00:59

All of your order has been received.
1 please amend the fifth item number, 3 * 850kgs should be 2550kgs
2 PO10305 orders 10306 / your requirement of delivery time is on November 5, delivery on November 1st October, we will greatly the inventory quantity, this is not allowed, so the company can advance to October shipment, October 28 a ship.
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