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翻译 汉译英 张杰

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 13:38



热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 02:09

My idol is Zhang Jie, his English name is Jason, he was born in December 20, 1982, his height of 179cm, weight 69kg, he is a singer, his low-key introverted personality, positive progress expertise; good interpretation of English song; like to imitate.
Zhang Jie, the 2004 "Singer show" the most brilliant stage singers to an original song, "Love Big Dipper" shock the audience's handsome big boys, with their unyielding faith in music, to overcome its own, but also touched others. Competition has been slowly falling curtain, which belongs to his music journey, but it is just the beginning

热心网友 时间:2022-06-29 02:10

My idol is Zhang Jie, his English name is Jason, he was born in December 20, 1982, his height of 179cm, weight 69kg, he is a singer, his low-key introverted personality, positive progress expertise; good interpretation of English song; like to imitate.
Zhang Jie, the 2004 "Singer show" the most brilliant stage singers to an original song, "Love Big Dipper" shock the audience's handsome big boys, with their unyielding faith in music, to overcome its own, but also touched others. Competition has been slowly falling curtain, which belongs to his music journey, but it is just the beginning
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