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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 21:25



热心网友 时间:2022-06-23 03:15

Lions live in Africa continent,North and South lion mane is more developed,has been extended to the back and belly,but in humans with a shotgun on their "special care",the two subspecies have become extinct lions.India is located in the Asian lion smaller than Africa brothers,mane is relatively short.They are at the edge of extinction.The lion once lived in the southeast,Middle East,Europe,India and Africa.Life in Europe has been around first Century BC and extinction e to human activity,live in Asia,especially in British colonial India lions almost in early twentieth Century to be conquered India as ventilation like hunted to extinction,but always the lion as sacred Indians finally saved them,their placement in the northwest of India in the state of Gil national Forest Park.The lion has multiplied about 300400 heads.Life in the West Asian lion because of poaching and extinction,Gil national forest has become the Asian lion finally habitat.
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