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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 21:24



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 07:39


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 07:40

People's Bank of computer information security management problems and countermeasures

Human information in the ocean of existence and development, it is through information to distinguish between different things, understanding of different things and change the world. Information security, in particular the financial sector of information security, has been on the national leadership to the next to Li-Min people are very concerned about the topic. However, China's financial instry information systems security issues and is not optimistic. At present, although China promulgated a number of related policies and management methods, but according to expert analysis, full-time because of the lack of safety regulatory body, makes information system security work hard to implement. As China's increasingly information-based advance, the national economy and social development of network and information systems rely on increasingly close, especially banking, securities instries such as information systems has become an important national infrastructure, these information systems directly related to the safe operation To the country's security, the interests of the people and social stability.

In recent years, a series of incidents occurred at home and abroad that if there is no important information system capacity of the safety precautions in case of major accidents or encountered unexpected events, will cause irreparable economic loss. China's relevant departments to attach great importance to information security, the State Council Information Office Director Wang Yusheng, has pointed out that disaster recovery is the importance of information security as the basis for the work, do a good job in important national information systems disaster recovery work, raise their ward off disaster And the ability of major accidents, ensure that critical information systems data security and business continuity and protect socio-economic stability is very important. 2003 presented the "National Informatization Leading Group on strengthening information security work of" important information on the security system has made explicit requirements. 2004, the State Council Information Office organized the drafting of the "important information systems disaster recovery guidelines" and issued to the basis of information networks and important information systems departments in charge. However, the financial information instry despite the rapid development, but its hidden behind a terrible problem: Although the realization of a large data bank on the enterprises, 80 percent of the enterprises have done a backup system disaster centre building, But the real business to achieve the continuous management, it is estimated that only about 15 percent. Recently, the banking system failures continue. In 2006, the Construction Bank of China head office transfer to a communication failure, a few hours after the system was back to normal. This incident affecting investment in China Construction Bank Corporation of the business department of more than 70 accounts of 200 million people, causing investors were unable to conct transactions and transfers are economic losses. In this, China UnionPay for communications networks and host failure of many provinces and cities nationwide刷卡not up to seven hours, how much is caused by the loss, there is no reliable data. The recent outbreak of the net over silver Theft Network series of events that once again the banking system for network information security sounded the alarm.
With the banking system conform to the trend of opening up and interconnection, the areas of information security has broken through the operational system to the physical isolation and separation agreement based on the traditional banking information security. We must in an increasingly open system platform on the banks re-examine the issue of information security. The financial system (banking, insurance and securities) is the national policy called for the implementation level of security to protect the 11 major categories critical information infrastructure, the focus system. Therefore, how to build an efficient modern information security system, increasingly prominent problem.

Key words: banking, information, security, management, Countermeasures
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