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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 21:11



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 22:19

Living in the digital age, we are unavoidably exposed to all kinds of digital procts, such as digital camera, digital computer, digital television, and so on, which grow in an increasing categories and quantities. Believe it or not, look around yourself and you can easily find one or two of these stuffs.
  Here is a question,what kind of influence do the digital procts bring to people’s life.? Frankly speaking, these modern digital procts offer us a more convenient life than before. For example, the digital camera makes it possible to delete or correct the “unsuccessful” photo of ours, which was impossible with the traditional camera. While, unfortunately, these fashionable digital items have cultivated a generation more isolated from the real life. It is hard to imagine that a man so accustomed to the digital mobile on-line chatting can be capable of the practical communication with others. Finally, too much dependent on the digital things, human seem to be more indifferent to the real world, which we, though reluctant to admit, have to accept.
  Thus, as the generation assailed by all kinds of digital miracles, we might as well initiatively avoid some of them despite efficiency and comfort they can supply. Don’t forget those old days when you were going to visit an old school friend though there would be a long train journey, which, in today’s digital era, has been thoroughly replaced by the digital on-line chatting.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 22:20

I gotta ask you, first, what's the purpose of this essay; next, are you in a school in China?

and come on! 120 words' for kindergarten kids

my essay's like 600+ words long, college standard
自离后能补办离职证明吗? 我是家里自离的,可以补办辞职手续吗 急救!!!狗狗受凉吃什么就吐什么,该吃什么药 狗狗受凉呕吐吃什么药好得快 公告栏标题里的字如何设定字体及大小 公告栏怎移动啊 我的公告栏 如何设置 怎么让QQ拍拍公告栏文字不滚动 在滚动的公告栏中鼠标放上去时就停止,这种效果怎么做?谢谢了 王者荣耀铂金1和黄金3双排排到的是什么段位的 关于当今孩子们处于数字化时代是好事还是坏事的英语口语 数字时代,万物互联用英语如何翻译 求:“数字化时代纸质媒体的创新与生存之路”的英文翻译。 二氧化碳电焊机变压原理 CO2气体保护焊的特点是什么? 二保焊过程中二氧化碳的作用与原理, 二氧化碳焊本质上属于什么焊? CO2焊接是什么样的 什么是CO2焊接? 什么是二氧化碳焊接技术 二氧化碳焊接 二氧化碳保护气焊接的原理和特点 谁能列举一下当年黄埔军校出来的将领 黄埔军校第一批共产党员有那些? 李玉堂怎么死的 中山市嘉励运动器材有限公司怎么样? 海尔滚筒洗衣机洗衣中途断电怎么操作? 海尔卡萨帝滚筒洗衣机洗的衣服突然停电了,来了电会继续洗吗? 皮鞋洗干净后起黄霉怎么办 空白溶液样品溶液能用同一只移液管吸取吗? 我头皮上总有一些地方比别的地方皮厚,一抠就掉了,有时候还会破,是那种大块的头皮屑样子的,怎么办? 求一篇关于“Our digital life” 的英语作文 和互联网,电子产品,数字时代有关的英语词汇 谁能告诉我这几年英语六级的作文? 红霉素软膏能治头皮癣吗 英语we live in an era of limitless of digital怎么翻译? advent和appearance有什么区别?请举例,谢谢! 狗狗身上瘙痒,但是没有起红点,有轻微的头皮屑,可以用红霉素软膏或金霉素眼膏吗? 求助:英语高手帮忙翻译一下! 请帮忙把这段话翻译成英文。急急急~ 我六岁用英文翻译至少4种 已经很长时间了,头皮屑一直很多,一大块一大块的 求英文翻译,感激不尽 百度一下2012的阳历2月15日是中国农历的几月几日? 头皮脂溢性皮炎油腻有头屑,有没有治疗的药膏?我想把头发剃光 几个句子汉语翻译成英语,谢谢 百度首页 输入关键词 点"百度一下"页面没反应 男21,头皮发灰白连带额头都很油,晚上用完去屑去油的洗发液后早上一起来就有很多的头屑 随着电脑,手机的普及,人们写汉字逐渐减少,我们身边的很多人都有过“提笔忘字”的经历为话题的英语作文 【【!!!英语大神Come on!翻译一句话送5分!!!求质量不求速度你懂的!!!】】