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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-14 16:53



热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 14:49

Do not make public, not everything that is garish, have been silent on red apple furniture, always pursue the let more people can use the principle of high quality furniture, hold to from beginning to end brand management route is not shake, no matter in design, material, production, marketing and service in many aspects, such as strict character overhead, conscientious and meticulous, to achieve perfection. In domestic market but also do open foreign markets sales's door, at present, the "Hong Kong red apple" already is consumer recognized superior quality, reasonable price of brand-name products, obtain the global consumer common trust. In this paper, the development situation of furniture industry as the research background, the well-known brand in domestic red apple furniture is introduced, description and analysis of the furniture industry marketing conditions. A discussion on the new marketing mode, the new market situation red apple furniture on how to build a national brand, high-end international market, go to the way of internationalization, for the vast number of consumers with better products. Through to the red apple marketing strategy analysis, the furniture that the development of the internationalization of Chinese furniture industry, the shortage of the maximum limit the creation of strong brands, so as to ensure enterprise investment achieve long-term fundamental interests, and be more perfect shape internationalized development way.

热心网友 时间:2024-07-20 14:51

Do not make public, not everything that is garish, have been silent on red apple furniture, always pursue the let more people can use the principle of high quality furniture, hold to from beginning to end brand management route is not shake, no matter in design, material, production, marketing and service in many aspects, such as strict character overhead, conscientious and meticulous, to achieve perfection. In domestic market but also do open foreign markets sales's door, at present, the "Hong Kong red apple" already is consumer recognized superior quality, reasonable price of brand-name products, obtain the global consumer common trust. In this paper, the development situation of furniture industry as the research background, the well-known brand in domestic red apple furniture is introduced, description and analysis of the furniture industry marketing conditions. Key ?
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