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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 18:50



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 20:43

Shungeng Alexander, Yu cutting goal, Ancestor sericulture, Hou help out with farming, all the way to sway the Chinese culture came from here; through the wind and rain from Han to Tang, Song Yun voice of experience, here are five thousand years of civilization, a theme park; Yongle Palace The joke ancient past, Shanxi Guanquelou overlooking the romantic, Guan city has a long history of integrity is the human spirit.Roots - Yuncheng, Shanxi Province.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 20:44

Shun farmed on Li Mountain, Lu chiselled in Longmen, Lei Zu reared silkworm, Hou Ji sowed and reaped harvest, Chinese culture walked all the way from here. Past Han and Tang Dynasty, experienced rhyme of Shong Dynasty, here is the theme park of five thousand year civilization. Chatting in the Yong Le Palace about past and present, from the top of Guan Que tower overlook the culture of three Jing, the faith of Guan Yu is the everlasting humanistic spirit of this city. Welcome, the root of China------Shan Xi Yun Chen

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 20:44

Shun plow calendar mountain, yu hewn longmen, hengyang fathers sericulture, Ji JiaSe, Chinese culture after coming all the way from here swaying, Through the han SongYun the sound of wind and rain, experience, here are five thousand years civilization of the theme park, Yongle palace, ancient past a byword stork rosefinch upstairs SanJin romantic, the ke guan overlooking the integrity is the city of long standing and humanistic spirit. Huaxia roots - yuncheng.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 20:45

Shun plow calendar mountain, yu hewn longmen, hengyang fathers sericulture, Ji JiaSe, Chinese culture after coming all the way from here swaying, Through the han SongYun the sound of wind and rain, experience, here are five thousand years civilization of the theme park, Yongle palace, ancient past a byword stork rosefinch upstairs SanJin romantic, the ke guan overlooking the integrity is the city of long standing and humanistic spirit. Huaxia roots - yuncheng.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 20:46

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