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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 19:54



热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 04:20

Nowadays,many students spend their holidays to participate in social activities.For example,they do part-time jobs.I think it is important and necessary for us to such meaningful things.The reasons can be listed as follows.
To begin with,we can earn money ourselves and we don't have to ask our parents for money to buy the things we want.Besides,they also help to cultivate our independent consciousness.Whats more,we have learned to deal with some problems and made some new friends.It really improve out diffuse skills.
Unfortunately,it still have some disadvantages.If we do not arranged our time to do these properly.They will affect our study.Sometimes,they even bring us some hidden dangers.
According to these,we have to choose a proper way to avoid such troubles .And then,the activies will bring us more benefits as well as experirence.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 04:21

the Advantages and the Disadvantages of Doing a Part-time Job
More and more students do a part-time job nowadays.Some students do the job ring the vacations,some ring weekends.It is true that doing a part-time job is good for students.They can earn some money and cultivate their sense of independence.They can learn to handle some problems and make some new friends.What's more,doing a part-time job can rise their ability of social gathering.
Hower,everything has two sides,a part-time job has some disadvantages.It takes some of a student's time that should be used for his study.If a student spends too much time on the job,he won't have enough time for his lessons,and he won't do well in his study.
To my mind,a pre-graated student can do a part-time job,for he is going to leave school and enter the society,he has few lessons,and doing a part-time job can help him get a real job more easily.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-22 04:21

This week our school organized an activity of working in New Century Children’s Store and I think I’ve gained a lot from this experience .Before I took part in this activity , I knew nothing about what work really meant . I believed that my parents should do everything for me though they have to work hard to support the family . I even thought they were leading an easier life than me , as I had to learn so many subjects . This week I have experienced working as a shop assistant , which proved no easy job . After a day’s work , I often went back home , tired . At the discussion held this afternoon, we agreed that it was not easy for our parents to bring us up , and we should share some housework with them when possible.
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There are some advantages of my college. First My college has a long history. This college was built in 1946. Throughout these years of developing, it has built different majors about railroads for students to take. Right now, my college becomes a key college in Heilongjiang ...

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