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急求 越剧英文简介,我要做个英语PPT,越详尽越好。。有黄梅戏和小白花乐团的英语简介更好。。谢谢了

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 20:42



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:44

Yue Opera
Yue Opera, originated in the area of Sheng County in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province in the early period of the century, is a rapidly developed local opera with a short history in China. It was named "Yue Opera" because it has its origin in part of Yue State in the Spring and Autumn Period dating back about 2,000 years ago.

Known as "Xiaogeban" or "Diban" (Small Singing Group), the opera was circulated first among the country folk in its early period of development. At that time Yue Opera was simple as it had developed from folk talk and singing. Later it moved into Hangzhou, shanghai and other parts of the country. By now, many years' development has made it a most important opera style next to Beijing Opera in China, taking its theme from fairy tales, literary classics and historical stories. The voices of Yue Opera are soft and beautiful, and easy to learn. Different voices from various schools were developed which led to the emergence of large numbers of fans devoted to each school. The famous and heart-rending Chinese violin concerto Butterfly's Love drew its musical materials from Yue Opera. The film of Yue Opera from the same play won an award at an international film festival in the music category. The male role in a Yue Opera play is always played by women and the characters appear exceptionally charming, natural and unrestrained.

Yue Opera as a folk opera style has its origins in Hangzhou. Yue Opera lovers would meet regularly and sing. If you come to Hangzhou and stroll along the lakeside in the early morning, you will certainly hear opera lovers heartily singing Yue Opera. The resident Yue Opera companies in Hangzhou are the Zhejiang Yue Opera Troupe and the Hangzhou Yue Opera Troupe. The "Xiaohua" Performing Group of the Zhejiang Yue Opera Troupe is best known in Hangzhou and very influential across the country, and in Hong Kong and Macao. Yue Opera lovers coming to Hangzhou may have the fullest chance to enjoy various performances and Yue Opera styles given by different Yue Opera schools in the city.

Zhejiang Xiaohua Yue Opera Troupe, being founded upon the approval of Zhejiang Provincial People's Government, is a professional female Yue-opera performing group. It has accumulated a number of plays and developed a large group of outstanding performers over years of performance. The renowned Yue opera performing artist Mao Weitao is the director of the Troupe.
Birthday Celebration by Five Daughters has been performed in public nearly 800 times in China and overseas. It has been filmed to a drama movie and won Golden Roster Award, and Best Drama of Baihua Award. A Suddenly Recall-Mao Weitao Performing Art Show won Gold Award in the firet China Xiaohua Yue Opera Festival. Desolate Emotion, developed from the legend of Jin Ke assassinating Emperor Qin, attended the 1997 International Stage Art Festival in Tokyo, Japan and gave commercial performances in Kobe, Nagoya, Osaka and so on. In 2000, it attended the 7th BESETO International Drama Festival in Korea. Xiaohua Troupe, Japanese Kabuki Troupe and Korean Changgeuk Troupe performed the famous Korea opera Chunhyang on the same stage. In 2003, the troupe visited Paris to attend cultural exchange for the Sino-France Cultural Year. In 2008, the new version of the Butterfly Lovers as the only Yue Opera was performed in the 31st World Drama Festival.

The play Lu You and Tang Wan received the 3rd Wenhua Award for New Drama Prize from the Ministry of Culture and was among the top ten dramas in the first national dramatic art program in 2003. The Romance of West Chamber won Grand Wenhua Award and several single awards in the 4th Wenhua Award issued by the Ministry of Culture, Award of China Traditional Opera Society and other awards. Wrong Red Silk received New Drama Prize in the 5th Wenhua Award from the Ministry of Culture, and has been filmed to a drama movie of the same name. The Tale of the Ancient Book Collector received New Drama Prize of the 11th Wenhua Award from Ministry of Culture. The Butterfly Lovers, a key play in Zhejiang Provincial Outstanding Cultural Program, received Gold Prize in China Yue Opera Festival 2006 and Award of China Traditional Opera Society, Excellent Play of China Drama Award in the 11th China Drama Festival, and First Prize for Play in the 3rd national outstanding local opera play contest. The Story of Shunkin received Drama Award in the 12th Wenhua Award issued by the Ministry of Culture.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:45


热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 23:45

Shaoxing opera---the one fifth best opera in China. It's the second opera in China,too. Shaoxing opera is famous for it's song, the song is very graceful,the showing really moving,reflect the Jiangnan's charm,it's also have many factions .The opera is popular in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Fujian and many citys in south in China. The Shaoxing oprea in prevalent of foreign country,too. The shaoxing opera is approved by the state council nikkei listed in the first national Non-material cultural heritage List on May 20 2006.
有的时候脑海里有旋律。但是想不出来不知道是什么乐器演奏的。。只能... ...就听不准了 好像被和弦带偏了似的... 怎么办 钢琴 ...想用钢琴弹出来,但老是找不准音。这种情况怎么办呢,怎么练习,要是... DNF女枪炮师110级装备选择指南(全面解析女枪炮师110级装备搭配)_百度... 性生活出血要做什么检查 英国旅游签证办理需要哪些材料? 结婚证在女方户籍地办理有必要吗 结婚的时候在女方户口所在地领结婚证可以吗 结婚证可以在女方户口所在地领吗? 为什么有的微信号显示用户不存在了 黄梅戏的英语翻译 为什么人家比心可以放网图? 经常吃葡萄干对身体有什么影响吗?对肝脏好吗? 如何解封的处理方法 葡萄干与茶 微信解除帐号电脑 “那是我小时候,常坐在父亲肩头”,是什么歌?谁唱的? 跪求阎维文的《父亲》乐谱或简谱 给自己的肝脏不好,多吃葡萄干有帮助吗? 父亲歌词那是我小时候 平时爱吃葡萄干,那么吃葡萄干会对肝脏造成影响吗? 请问什么东西最养肝?可以喝古法益酐茶吗?谢谢 茶和葡萄干能同吃吗? 茶叶和葡萄干能一起吃? QQ,别人把我屏蔽了,我打语音通话过去她也不知道么?那怎么提示?是不是打过去立刻说拒绝?还是其他的 1983年属猪五行什么命 我是1983年3月6日中午12点30分出生 属猪 五行是属什么?缺什么呢? 小学学生寒假生活鉴定表怎么写? qq好友把我设置消息免打扰我给他打电话会说什么? 农历1983年3月22,是什么属性的命啊 怎样用英语介绍黄梅戏和徽墨 那是我小时侯.常坐在父亲肩头.父亲是儿那登天的梯.请问这首歌的原唱是谁? 有首歌名是:父亲 歌词是:那是我小时候 常坐在父亲肩头 父亲是儿登天的梯 父亲是那拉车的牛• 谁知道电脑上能解封吗, “黄梅戏在老年人中很受欢迎”用英语怎么说 想用网图做头像但是怕人误会是本人怎么办 女驸马用英语怎么说 被封了,没好友辅助,如何解封? 那是我小时候 常坐在父亲肩头 是哪手歌 是中国京剧和黄梅戏的发源地,有很多值得浏览的地方的英语 梦见自己的孩子因调皮遭遇意外,自己哭的伤心欲绝 《父亲》这首歌的谱。演唱人忘记了歌词:那是我小时候常坐在父亲肩头……谢谢 哪位英语系的高手能帮帮忙啊?论文英文翻译。谢谢~ 十年前有一首歌名字叫(父亲)歌词是:那时我小时候长坐父亲肩头,父亲是儿那登天的梯,父亲是那拉车牛 豫剧,黄梅戏,越剧,川剧分别是那个省的? 华为305G好还是405G好? 黄梅戏 豫剧 越剧 穿剧 各有什么特点? 请问这句话用英语怎么翻译?谢谢! 用电脑可以解封吗 越剧和黄梅戏都是中华传统的戏剧,他们有什么区别?