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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 19:38



热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 17:19

Knew perhaps Qiu Jin mostly is "to Liquor" starts from her that, entire poem as follows:

Does not hesitate the daughter to buy the treasured sword, the dissolute life of the rich or celebrated also enres boldly. The doggedly sincere instriously treasures, sprinkles still can melt blue Tao.
different wins favor by ostentation, but is and her entire revolutionary activity association is a body. She initiates "altogether has loved the meeting", "ten human of meetings", has joined "the restoration society", "the alliance association", moreover "Hongmen Secret Society heaven and earth society" Yokohama minute rudder "white paper fan", namely big military strategist.

Qiu Jin returns to homeland the after revolutionary magnificent feat and died a martyr's death, is the majority people all knows. Here only said Qiu Jin likes putting on the men's clothing, has represented the feminine fashionable clothing tidal current which China most awakened at that time. At that time the female awakened the symbol, was strives for has with the man same right. Reads her "to Liquor", does not know can think this is the men writes. Actually China's male writes the thing, are most is the feminization. More than 1,000 year ago stamen and pistil madame already has given scolding: "In the king city the vertical stroke lowers a flag, the concubine knew in deep palace that? 200,000 people surrender together, rather does not have is the son!" After 900 years, Qiu Jin then questions: "The dirty world, asked several sons England is wise? Calculates when the eyebrows of a beautiful woman hears outstandingly." Qiu Jin lives time, people already pain China's extreme feminization, therefore emerges one group of chivalrous people staunch women, by virilized life posture which exaggerates to traditional society challenge. The Qiu Jin body is a female, but she revolts against the destiny to add at times for own sex status. She hates the heaven "painstakingly me, the strong faction makes the eyebrows of a beautiful woman, different not filings!" She said that, "the body does not have the son to arrange in order, the heart is actually fiercer than the son." Also declared "rests word female non- England, on the Longquan wall calls every night!" In now the cultural circle, Ge Hongbing had said a speech I express deeply the approval, the general idea am China now the popular two kind of proses, one kind is the concubine prose, another kind of old man prose. This kind of condition and the social convention cannot say is not connected, now some little men if do not scold Qiu Jin is "the lunatic", "the metamorphosis", really is the company hangs oneself cannot untie waistband. This is the Contemporary China men from when 引以 for thinks deeply.
望门投止(宿)思张俭, 忍死须臾待杜根。 我自横刀向天笑, 去留肝胆两昆仑。
"In Prison Wall inscription" Tan Sitong

Seeks shelter wherever one sees a door (sleeps) thinks opens thriftily, enres to die the moment to treat the Du root. I smile from the horizontal knife to the day, remove or retain courage two Kunlun Mountains.
Poem first two, expressed Tan Sitong to become a fugitive after the Reform Movement of 1898 defeat in the and so on outside Comrade Kang Youwei's, Liang Qichao missing, they were occupying dangerously, in the difficult environment, hoped they could obtain people's help, passed the dangerous situation; At the same time has also placed the infinite expectation to them, hoped they can wait for the opportunity, stages a comeback, by realizes their common ideal. Here he has utilized two literary references - Eastern Han Dynasty person Zhang Jian and the Du root, appropriately voices his this kind of feelings.
Latter two, have written his heroic spirit: "I smile from the horizontal knife to the day, remove or retain courage two Kunlun Mountains." Facing the death, he has a good laugh, this is the what kind dauntless spirit. After the Reform Movement of 1898 defeat, he this has the time to flee, the friends all urge him to exit to evade, but he sets firm resolve by the body to die for a just cause actually, but at the same time he also hoped can retain one group of comrades, by chart future, therefore he urges Liang Qichao to flee, he said: "Does not have the traveler, will not have by the chart future; Does not have the dead, by does not summon the posterity!" Is said regardless of is going to keeping, all is for the common enterprise, all is the utter devotion big hero, therefore said "remove or retain courage two Kunlun Mountains," goes "refers to human and so on Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao," remains "refers to 戊戌 six gentlemen and other victims and so on the Tan Sitong, they take their proper place, same lofty, same great.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 18:37







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