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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-09 01:13



热心网友 时间:2024-03-17 09:21

中亚牧羊犬- Asia Dog

It's a legendary dog. How many breeds do you know which are thousand years old? The sheepdog is at least 400,000.. Its life was all hard experiences, a severe climate and the everlasting enemy - wolf.

Climatic conditions of a huge Asian region vary but not to such extent like in the Caucasian region. Besides, Asia is turned out to be more isolated and its dogs are of more pure breeds than in different regions. It would be possible to assume that the Middle Asian Sheepdog has the exterior very close to that of ancient dogs. In these terms, the Middle Asian Sheepdog is of great value for us.

In the middle of the eleventh century on the territory where ancient Turkmen lived (the Syr-Darya region) the Seldguk-clan came into power. They converted to Islam and moved to Iran and the Asia Minor with their vassals. In the 14-15th centuries the Seldguk's descendants - the Osmans started the Osman Empire. Thus, the Anatoly carabash, a direct descendant of the Middle Asian dog, moved with ancient Turkmen-nomads.

Another brunch of the Middle Ages nomads, that were the ancestors of the Osetins, was known in Western Europe as the Allans. It was the Allans whose dogs are associated with the origin of many Mastiffs in Western Europe.

Now, just think of how many nomadic tribes crossed the Great Heath ring its history, how many of them settled down and assimilated with tribes arrived there earlier. Every new wave of migration brought dogs with it that were different from those living there. Migrants mixed with local dogs and their generations were selected naturally according to their ability to survive in severe conditions. A man's requirement was all time the same - perfect work without any failure.

Thus through hundreds of years on the huge territory of the Middle Asian region there was formed a perfect breed - the Middle Asian Sheepdog. As a reflection of the very complicated history of the dog there some inbreed types but nowadays to trace their relations with particular tribes and regions is impossible

这是一个以多种名称为人所知的品种,就好像它那多种多样的类型和种类支系。由于它庞大的发源地,每个地域对它都有不同的称呼。有些人认为土库曼的名字——Ala才是这个品种正确的命名,而且他们认为这个品种发源于土库曼。这是错误的,百年来,这个品种的庞大的发源地延伸至西面的里海和东面的帕米尔高原,从伊朗的北面和阿富汗的东面至南西伯利亚的北面。这个发源地覆盖了如下几个现代的国家:哈萨克斯坦,克基斯坦,乌兹别克斯坦,塔吉克斯坦,土库曼,阿富汗,伊朗和俄罗斯。如果我们计算一下和这几个国家有关系的一些品种,类似Mongloian Ovtcharaka(直译:蒙古牧羊犬),都非常的庞大。


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