发布时间:2022-04-28 15:00
时间:2022-06-19 08:03
Fixed Gear Bike---又称Track Bike,日文叫竞轮,用中文比较准确的说法是“固定齿轮自行车”,相对我们日常的“活动飞轮”而言,大家称其飞轮为“死飞”,国内一般称Fixed gear为死飞车。死飞车 造型简洁,风格复古,既现代又古典,因此被时尚界所推崇,很多时尚界人士采用为日常交通工具。
玩Fixed Gear Bike的一大乐趣就是整车19个零件,每一个零件都价格不菲,但组合一辆整车就像给自己量身定作一件衣服一样,讲究和车主融为一体。Fixed Gear绝对不能光图省事儿买一辆整车直接就骑上了,在组装的过程中也是体验FixedGear魅丽的所在,自己搭配喜欢的颜色,以及适合自己的零件这些都是必不可少的过程。正因为如此所以一众想要张扬个性的潮人才会对它痴迷,这个专属于自己的Fixed Gear Bike诞生的过程,势必要投入大量的精力和创意,也算是个人化的艺术作品吧。
固定齿轮自行车是一种特别的自行车,这种车没有活飞轮,不能滑行溜车,后齿片固定在特制的后花鼓上,脚踏永远和车子的前进或倒退一起运转。在室内场地赛赛场上,这种车叫做Track Bike场地赛车;在街头,这种车叫做Fixed Gear Bike,也叫做FG,中文是固定齿轮自行车,或者——死飞。
死飞的起源与发展归功于美国大城市的邮差和快递工作者们。在上个世纪80年代,汽车持有量和出行使用率的爆炸式发展使得美国一些大城市的道路交通状况愈发严峻,堵车比比皆是,聪明的邮差快递便转向以骑自行车的方式运送邮件。自行车能方便的穿梭在大街小巷,丝毫不受堵车的影响,并且在拥有强壮双腿的邮差脚下,也能爆发出不逊于汽车的速度。这时他们使用的多是Road Bike公路自行车。然而公路自行车复杂的变速器,纵横交错的闸线,都需要精心的保养和照顾,稍有损坏就影响了安全和速度,这在穿梭于城市各个角落的邮差眼中多少是一种负担。于是他们开始将Track Bike场地自行车改装成为Fixed Gear Bike死飞车使用,这种车结构简单,不易损坏,没有闸线自然也不怕被街头的混混捣乱,并且单一的速比非常适合城市中平坦的道路。在1986年的《银色快手》电影中,主演凯文贝肯扮演的角色就驾驭着一辆死飞车在纽约徜徉。渐渐地,在纽约和旧金山,年轻人也开始享受死飞的乐趣,他们大多穿着时髦的牛仔裤和充满街头气息的球鞋,身上斜背着邮差包和链锁。无独有偶,远在大洋比岸的日本,死飞车也在街头逐渐流行。藤原浩和原宿潮人们将这种50年代就在日本成为竞技体育和*重头之一的竞轮Keirin场地比赛用车搬上街头,配以个性化的颜色搭配,彰显时尚与潮流。渐渐地,死飞车的文化就逐渐在世界各地传开,同时很多社会、体坛、影视等等各界名人也参与了这种运动并对这种文化进行了推广宣传。
时间:2022-06-19 08:04
其实、既然是演讲、我教你个简单的方法。你如果了解死飞。你自己写一段话、在百度 在线翻译 直接翻译出来就是自己的文章了-。-so easy
时间:2022-06-19 08:04
Remember riding a tricycle? A fixed-gear bicycle (or fixed-wheel bicycle, popularly known as a fixie) is like that. It has a direct-drive system between the pedals and the rear wheel. If the pedals move, the rear wheel moves, either forwards or backwards. And if the rear wheel moves, the pedals move. The upshot is that the bike doesn't coast, not even downhill. If you ride 50 miles, you pedal 50 miles, so that the rider cannot stop pedalling. When the rear wheel turns, the pedals turn in the same direction. This allows a cyclist to apply a weak braking force without using a brake, by resisting the rotation of the cranks. It also makes it possible to ride backwards although learning to do so is much more difficult than riding forwards.
More recently the 'fixie' has become a popular alternative among mainly urban cyclists, offering the advantages of simplicity compared with the standard multi-geared bicycle.
Fixed-gear bikes come in all shapes and sizes. They are put to various uses, such as artistic performance, off-road, utility, cruisers, messengering, touring, and velodrome racing. Fixies can have 3-speed handlebars, mustaches, or MTB bars. They can sport front and rear brakes, fenders, panniers and other components. And a few fixes even have more than one speed. Virtually any bike can be converted into a fixed-geared bike.
As a rule, fixed-gear bicycles are single-speed. A derailleur cannot be fitted because the chain cannot have any slack, but hub gearing can, for example a Sturmey-Archer 3-speed fixed hub. Most fixed-gear bicycles only have a front brake, and some have no brakes at all.
时间:2022-06-19 08:05
时间:2022-06-19 08:05