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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 13:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 04:55


as our society is developing,beside excellent academic achievememts。

a qualified college student is also expected to cultivate various interests and capacity in social communicating,dealing with problems indepently。

today,virtue is the essence of all the noble and good characters。good college students should pay more attention to virtue cultivation。

another term is patriotism。we should love our motherland and contribute to achieving more rapid development for the land where we were born and bred。

finally , stong health is a key factor。good health is the guarantee for achievement。so we should be learned ,noble-minded and healthy so as to be qualified students。



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 05:52


as our society is developing,beside excellent academic achievememts。

a qualified college student is also expected to cultivate various interests and capacity in social communicating,dealing with problems indepently。

today,virtue is the essence of all the noble and good characters。good college students should pay more attention to virtue cultivation。

another term is patriotism。we should love our motherland and contribute to achieving more rapid development for the land where we were born and bred。

finally , stong health is a key factor。good health is the guarantee for achievement。so we should be learned ,noble-minded and healthy so as to be qualified students。



热心网友 时间:2023-11-02 05:53

If you ask me how to be a successful college student, I will say there are 4 steps to follow.

The first step is to keep the partying at a reasonable level. College can be a lot of fun, but it is very important to not let the partying get out of control and begin to affect your grades. When you have free time you can socialize, but if you start to blow off your work to go have fun then your grades will suffer. Put your school work first, and your social life second.

The second step to being a successful student in college is to set up an area that is dedicated only for your studying. This means no TV in the area(studies show television is a huge distraction, and people can not effectively study with the TV on), and turn the stereo off as well. College course work can be very challenging, so it is important that you put your undivided attention to your studies.

The third step to meet your professor outside of your regularly scheled class. By taking the time to meet your professor you can build a relationship with them that will be beneficial to you if you ever need extra help in a subject. It will also give them the opportunity to know you as an indivial which will not hurt when it comes time for your grades.

The fourth step is to not procrastinate with your course work. Keep a schele where you are ahead of your work and can just refresh before your exams, not have to cram all the information in the night before an exam. Managing your work from different courses is a big part of success at the college level, keep ahead with your work and you will have an easier time being successful in college.

Keep these tips in mind and act them out, and you will be very successful at college.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 04:55

If you ask me how to be a successful college student, I will say there are 4 steps to follow.

The first step is to keep the partying at a reasonable level. College can be a lot of fun, but it is very important to not let the partying get out of control and begin to affect your grades. When you have free time you can socialize, but if you start to blow off your work to go have fun then your grades will suffer. Put your school work first, and your social life second.

The second step to being a successful student in college is to set up an area that is dedicated only for your studying. This means no TV in the area(studies show television is a huge distraction, and people can not effectively study with the TV on), and turn the stereo off as well. College course work can be very challenging, so it is important that you put your undivided attention to your studies.

The third step to meet your professor outside of your regularly scheled class. By taking the time to meet your professor you can build a relationship with them that will be beneficial to you if you ever need extra help in a subject. It will also give them the opportunity to know you as an indivial which will not hurt when it comes time for your grades.

The fourth step is to not procrastinate with your course work. Keep a schele where you are ahead of your work and can just refresh before your exams, not have to cram all the information in the night before an exam. Managing your work from different courses is a big part of success at the college level, keep ahead with your work and you will have an easier time being successful in college.

Keep these tips in mind and act them out, and you will be very successful at college.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 04:55


as our society is developing,beside excellent academic achievememts。

a qualified college student is also expected to cultivate various interests and capacity in social communicating,dealing with problems indepently。

today,virtue is the essence of all the noble and good characters。good college students should pay more attention to virtue cultivation。

another term is patriotism。we should love our motherland and contribute to achieving more rapid development for the land where we were born and bred。

finally , stong health is a key factor。good health is the guarantee for achievement。so we should be learned ,noble-minded and healthy so as to be qualified students。



热心网友 时间:2023-10-11 04:55

If you ask me how to be a successful college student, I will say there are 4 steps to follow.

The first step is to keep the partying at a reasonable level. College can be a lot of fun, but it is very important to not let the partying get out of control and begin to affect your grades. When you have free time you can socialize, but if you start to blow off your work to go have fun then your grades will suffer. Put your school work first, and your social life second.

The second step to being a successful student in college is to set up an area that is dedicated only for your studying. This means no TV in the area(studies show television is a huge distraction, and people can not effectively study with the TV on), and turn the stereo off as well. College course work can be very challenging, so it is important that you put your undivided attention to your studies.

The third step to meet your professor outside of your regularly scheled class. By taking the time to meet your professor you can build a relationship with them that will be beneficial to you if you ever need extra help in a subject. It will also give them the opportunity to know you as an indivial which will not hurt when it comes time for your grades.

The fourth step is to not procrastinate with your course work. Keep a schele where you are ahead of your work and can just refresh before your exams, not have to cram all the information in the night before an exam. Managing your work from different courses is a big part of success at the college level, keep ahead with your work and you will have an easier time being successful in college.

Keep these tips in mind and act them out, and you will be very successful at college.
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