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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 16:38



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 18:08

17 - Avril Lavigne

He was working at the record shop

I would kiss him in the parking lot

Tasting like cigarettes and soda pop


He would tell me I was beautiful

Sneaking in the neighbour's swimming pool

Yeah, he told me how to break the rules


But hey, this isn't long gone
When I hear the song
It takes me back...
We were on top of the world
Back when I was your girl
We were living so wild and free
Acting stupid for fun
All we needed was some love

That's the way its supposed to be


Stealing beers out of the trailer park

Flicking lighters just to fight the dark

Favorite place was sitting in his car


Lay a blanket on the rooftop

That time I knew I wanted me to stop

It was so cold but we kept it hot


But hey, this isn't long gone
When I hear the song
It takes me back...
We were on top of the world
Back when I was your girl

We were living so wild and free
Acting stupid for fun
All we needed was some love
That's the way it's supposed to be
We were running red lights
We were going all night
Didn't care about anything
We were living my dream
It was you and me
We were 17




I remember what it felt like

Just a small town kind of life

If only I could just go back in time

We were on top of the world
Back when I was your girl
We were living so wild and free
Acting stupid for fun
All we needed was some love
That's the way its supposed to be
We were running red lights
We were going all night
Didn't care about anything
We were living my dream
It was you and me
We were 17




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