意大利歌手维托里奥·格里高洛(Vittorio Grigolo)简介及Il Mio Miracolo歌词
发布时间:2022-04-28 14:21
时间:2023-09-10 23:12
Vittorio 1977年出生于罗马,在靠近佛罗伦萨的Arezzo长大。Vittorio从小就接受正规的歌剧训练,13岁,他首次在罗马歌剧院登台,在Daniel Oren执导的歌剧『Tosca』中出演Pastorello一角;18岁,与维也纳歌剧公司签约;23岁,成为米兰La Scala剧院(Milan's La Scala)有史以来最年轻的意大利男高音。
你或许没听过他的名字,但当代传奇男高音帕瓦罗蒂在他12岁时就对同台演出的他惊为天人,亲自赠送他小名叫「小帕瓦罗蒂」。你可能不熟悉声乐明星,但他可是史上担任西斯汀大教堂诗班最年轻的独唱歌手,更是站上歌剧界圣殿「米兰史卡拉歌剧院」最年轻的男高音!如果歌剧是声音的竞技场,那么Vittorio 维多里欧就是本世纪最出色的金牌新秀!
4岁开端登台演唱,深受父亲影响的Vittorio从小就活在歌剧世界里。不管是上学途中坐车时或者下课在家,父亲都在播放歌剧、唱着咏叹调,让Vittorio耳濡目染爱上这博大精深的歌唱艺术。12岁登上罗马歌剧院演出「托丝卡」,他的天份受到帕瓦罗蒂首肯,亲自指点演唱技巧并鼓励他珍惜天赋:「你所拥有的歌声,加上纯正的心,终有一天你能成为顶尖人物。」这番话让他决心成为名副其实的「帕瓦罗蒂*人」。缘分安排他遇见曾与帕瓦罗蒂协作过的知名经纪人Eric Ghenassia与制作人Romano Musumarra,也成就他注定完美的首张录音专辑《In The Hands of Love 拥抱真爱》。
自认「流行歌剧(Popera)」最贴近自身音频脉动,Vittorio用纯熟的歌剧功力汲取动人的流行旋律,孕育成新世代美声情歌。与小野猫主唱Nicole完美共鸣全新创作〈You Are My Miracle〉、翻唱史提夫汪达经典的〈All In Love Is Fair〉以及亚洲版独家的席琳狄翁〈My Heart Will Go On〉都听到他纯粹感性的心声;带有歌剧咏叹调原味的〈Butterfly Forever〉与量身订作的〈Tu Sei〉都展现Vittorio收放自如的情感与扎实唱功。也不乏轻巧小品〈Magia De Amor〉与磅合声的〈Roma Sogna〉;专辑重名曲〈In The Hands of Love〉是赐与人心的慰藉解药,翻唱基音乐团〈Bedshaped〉可说是流行与美声完美交融的绝佳惊喜。
At the touch of love,everyone becomes a poet.
老柏的话很有道理。所以Vittorio在《In The Hands Of Love》中实际上变成了一个游吟诗人。用天赋的,经过科班训练的声音把爱演绎得字正腔园,珠圆玉润。说起来,无论诗经还是荷马史诗,爱是人类咏唱地恒古不变的主题,只不过咏唱的方式不同而已。比如,Vittorio,歌剧训练的发音将每一首曲子雕刻地那么美好,完美,就像教科书上的范本,控制有度,进退有据,彬彬有礼。。。还有一点点,令人恹恹欲睡(在听歌剧的时候,我老犯这毛病)。不过,我还是被这些听不懂的声音拽进糥糥的香香甜甜的温柔。也许是选择深夜里这个时候听歌,对食物的需要产生的幻觉。。。listen to the bell是整张专辑中我最喜欢的,跟食物无关。
“everyone becomes a poet”,对爱的吟唱,老鼠也许会用细菌滋生的声门,在阴沟里制造的混响向亲爱的心上鼠表达爱慕之意。只要是真挚的,哪怕五音不全,高雅之于低贱,高贵之于庸俗,都是美好的。
专辑名称:In The Hands Of Love
献声艺人:Vittorio Grigolo
1. Tu Sei
2. Il Mio Miracolo
3. Bedshaped (Cosi)
4. Magia De Amor
5. In The Hands Of Love
6. All In Love Is Fair (Se L'Amore C'è)
7. Fuerte
8. Se Tu Non Sei Lei
9. Querida
10. Listen To The Bell (Chi Ci Ascolterà)
11. Roma Sogna
12. Butterfly Forever
13. You Are My Miracle
14. Maria
Il Mio Miracolo (我的奇迹)
(Feat. Nicole Scherzinger of PCD)
Tutte le cose che non sai io te le insegner?
Le stelle che tu conterai te le regaler?
Sapr?inventare favole che ti racconter?
Cos?che I sogni volino pi?a nord
So many things I've never known I will learn from you
I'll find reason in your words that are tried and true
E prover?a sorprenderti con un sorriso in pi?
Cos?che possa perderti anche tu
You are my miracle
You are pure and soft just like the air I breathe
You, heart of my heart, heart of my heart
There's a secret that you hold, that you hold
Deep within that so discretely hides your soul
The strength I simply never found, I will find with you
What I believe our future holds, I will see it through
Con te vivr?ogni attimo che mi regalerai
Come se fosse l'ultimo per noi
You are my miracle
Acqua chiara e fresca che fa vivere
You, heart of my heart
There's a secret that you hold, that you hold
And it's hidden so discretely
E mi guider?
Verso il centro dell'amore
Love, heart of my heart
There's a secret that you hold, that you hold
Che nasconde dolcemente
Will you share with me your secret
Ever more