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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-09 02:50



热心网友 时间:2024-10-13 10:45

Lesson 43
1. Can I 2. Could we 3. aren't able to 4. has been able to
5. can't 6. Can I 7. were able to 8. were finally able to
1. I wasn't able to speak to him on the phone last night.
2. I will be able to see you at 10:30 tomorrow.
3. The baby is already able to stand up.
4. We aren't able to accept your kind invitation to dinner tomorrow.
5. They weren't able to tell me when the next plane would arrive.
6. He is not able to see you today because he is extremely busy.

Lesson 43 A 1. Can I 2. Could we 3. aren't able to 4. has been able to 5. can't 6. Can I 7. were able to 8. were finally able to B 1. I wasn't able to speak to him on the phone last night.2. I will be able to see you at 10.30 ...


Lesson 43A1. Can I 2. Could we 3. aren't able to 4. has been able to5. can't 6. Can I 7. were able to 8. were finally able toB1. I wasn't able to speak to him on the phone last night.2. I will be able to see you at 10.30 tomorrow.3...


Lesson 43 A 1. Can I 2. Could we 3. aren't able to 4. has been able to 5. can't 6. Can I 7. were able to 8. were finally able to B 1. I wasn't able to speak to him on the phone last night.2. I will be able to see you at 10.30 tomorrow....


1.had been sent 2.must have been lost 3.must not be disturbed 4.was distroyed 5.has just beeb rebuilt 6.be returned 7.will be opened/is going to be opened 8.can't be reached 9.are sent 10.has not been seen 45课的C 2.English is spoken here.3.That car is made ...


新概念英语第二册课后题答案学习天地 2009-06-20 15:51 阅读1548 评论5 字号: 大大 中中 小小 Answers to NCE2 Exercises Lesson 1: bcbdc adbac cc Lesson 2: cdcca bbadc db Lesson 3: cacac bccba bb Lesson 4: dbabb acbca cc Lesson 5: cadbc dabcb bd Lesson ...

新概念英语第二册英音版43:Over the South Pole

第43课 Over the South Pole 飞越南极 First listen and then answer the question.听录音,然后回答以下问题。How was the plane able to clear the mountains?飞机如何能够越过大山?In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole,美国探险家 R.E. 伯德 the American explorer, R....


not?(but then)3.Could his plane get over the mountains or not?What did he order his men to do?(so)4.Did the plane then fly over the mountains or did it crash? Did it continue without further trouble or not?(and)这是43课的摘要写作。 满意不?参考资料:新概念英语2 ...


The American explore,R.E.Byrd,became the first man to fly over the South Pole in 1929.He took a lot of photographs during the flight but then he ran into difficulties.His plane could not get over the mountains so he ordered his men to throw out two heave food sacks. The ...


1.Byrd stayed in the Antarctic for a year,and made many more fights.2.He went back to America in 1930, but returned to the Antartic in 1946.3.This time he he had not only 4,000 men with him, but thirteen ships and seventeen aeroplanes as well.就是这样,不要想的太复杂...


1. 这个顺序和中文的顺序基本一致,只是翻译时需要将状语for the first time 提到主语之后。2. 句子顺序是:时间+ 主语+ 谓语+ 宾语+ 状语。 又如:Yesterday I met Tom in the street. 昨天我在街上遇到了Tom.3. his flight over 的意思是:他飞越了......

杭州金钱豹事件始末 化石草能化多大的结石 怎么找网盘的共享文件? 世界上最古老的石桥在哪里 瓜迪奥拉安切洛蒂穆里尼奥 最强3教练差别在哪 我下了一个实况足球2011,但是打不开说没有d3dx9_30.dll。然后我去下了... 运行游戏的时候报告说缺少d3dx9_35.dll。我下了这个文件但是复制到Syste... ...安装完又提示D3DX9_30,DLL没有被WINDOWS运行 求高人指导 ...战士(游戏)下载好后,说d3dx9_32.dll为无效WINDOWS映象,叫检查安装盘... 为什么我安装了d3dx9 33.dll游戏还是运行不了? EXCEL里面的数据有效性怎么用117 老师您好,我想用太阳能板发电做监控电源应该如何配置。所需产品...2 怎么设定excel表格的有效性1 我有一套220伏的太阳能板。是用来装监控设备发电的。现在监控... 郑州二七邮政编码 在EXCEL中,数据的有效性如何使用。举例说明?40 我的电脑输入法 总是自动跳出来为什么55 我只知道他的qq号可是使用手机登录的能不能知道他的登陆地址呢... 有谁知道太阳能电池板怎么转换成220伏的电压?4 我的笔记本为什么老是弹出打字,有什么方法解决 qq空间积分排名 同城排名是什么意思?具体指的是那个区域呢?... 郑州邮政编码二七区 她是QQ超级会员,看了我空间删掉了访问记录。能删掉看了我动态... EXCEL 中的有效性如何设置203 EXCEL表格中的有效性怎么使用,具体些的! 现在的新浪微博在哪里编辑我的收货地址? 看不到个人设置,急求...4 微博啪啪不能听语音,下载啪啪软件也不能听,为什么啊,求解答~ 含同义词的四字成语5 一年四季的同义词4 带有同义词的四字词语166 监控器摄像头能用太阳能电池板100瓦能带起来吗?能烧坏监控摄...9 我想用太阳能板代替手机电池 不知道行不行5 推荐600个四字成语及其解释560 中考复习常用成语大全及解释 通用8 中考常考成语意思及翻译9 新概念英语第二册43课练习册答案,急需!2 新概念英语2练习册43课答安6 新概念英语第二册第45课练习册答案28 为什么我的手机连接上家里的WIFI的速度很慢啊...485 新概念英语第二册练习册所有答案99 为什么手机连上我家网速wifi很慢272 我家里是50兆的宽带,手机连上wifi但是手机的网速不好是为...31 为啥我的手机连家里的wifi特别慢,我家里其他人连的就没事。...2 商铺贷款能取住房公积金吗 我家的wifi不知道怎么了,连2个手机一直是一个快一个慢 为什么我家里所有的手机连接了WiFi,但是上网特别卡1 2019农保转社保最新政策116 自己的手机连家里的WiFi突然变得好慢,怎么回事,是我手机的...3 求一部日本电影,剧情是一个男人开着卡车在超市里认识一个女人,...8 农保转社保最新政策11