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热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 18:47

1. Accession number: 10839302

Title: Research of bidirectional bending spline based on multi-intelligence agents

Authors: Zhang Jun-cai; Chen Qing-guo

Source: 2009 WASE International Conference on Information Engineering (ICIE)

Publication date: 2009

Part number: 1

Part number: 1

Pages: 407-9

Language: English

ISBN-13: 978-0-7695-3679-8

Document type: Conference article (CA)

Conference name: 2009 WASE International Conference on Information Engineering (ICIE)

Conference date: 10-11 July 2009

Conference location: Taiyuan, Chanxi, China

Sponsor: World Assoc. Sci. Eng.

Publisher: IEEE

Place of publication: Piscataway, NJ, USA

Material Identity Number: YXA9-1901-506

Abstract: The cold-bending formation in metal is a process which is the geometry non-linear and material nonlinear. Aiming at the above idea, this thesis establishes strip characteristic nodal line method and simplifies boundary condition based on the spline finite strip method in designing pass structure. Theory system of Agent is established, which combines theory research with practice engineering. At the same time, according to specialist experience, a new special system was established which can modify Agent knowledge container by environment changing. The work of this thesis will be theoretically and practically beneficial to designing roller pass.

Number of references: 3

Inspec controlled terms: cold working - forming processes - metalworking - multi-agent systems - proction engineering computing - strips

Uncontrolled terms: bidirectional bending spline - multiintelligence agents - cold-bending formation - nodal line method - spline finite strip method - agent knowledge container

Inspec classification codes: C7480 Proction engineering computing - C6170 Expert systems and other AI software and techniques - E3636 Metallurgical instries - E1520G Forming processes - E0410D Instrial applications of IT

Treatment: Practical (PRA); Theoretical or Mathematical (THR)

Discipline: Computers/Control engineering (C); Manufacturing and proction engineering (E)

DOI: 10.1109/ICIE.2009.279

Database: Inspec
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