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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 06:51



热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 01:02


Death cannot be reversed

Good living, is the greatest comfort to the dead

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 01:02

Once dead, the departed one(逝者) could not come back again.
Having passed away, he couldn't rebirth for the second time.
He who has been away is unable to be back.
Dust to st. Thus all return back to the universe.尘归尘,土归土。万物归于太虚。(话说这样翻译,已超越“人死不能复生”,仅供参考)

又,有道(词典)云:The dead are still dead.值得一读。
骨哥翻译:Death is final.(死,乃最终归宿。)
Men could rise from the grave.
You can't wake up the dead.
The dead couldn't be back from his death.

To make a good living is the best comfort for the dead.
Living in peace(Living peacefully) may be described as the best comfort for the departed one.追问= =好晕。。。麻烦您说明上面那些对应的是哪一句话。。

追答略改:人死不能复生——The dead could not rise from the grave.


热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 01:03

人死不能复生的英文是 It is impossible for a dead man to be alive. 不过根据您的情况,应该说“Restraining your grief and accommobating change."或者"Just take one day at a time." 意思都是是节哀顺变

至于“好好活着,才是对死者最大的安慰”,应该是"To make a good living is the best comfort for the dead.“ 如果结合西方文化的话,可以说”I believe he will be happy in the heaven, you should bless him and make a good living.”

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 01:03

It is impossible for a dead man to be

热心网友 时间:2022-06-28 01:04

one die then no more
the best way to relief the one who dead is to keep breathing
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