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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 05:20



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 20:45

The Final Truth About The Seafood You Eat

They say balance is the key to life, and with that comes a well balanced diet. All meals should include the necessary measurements and ingredients from all parts of the nutritional pyramid, like fats, proteins, vegetables, carbohydrates and dairy. But regarding how much seafood to eat in order to maintain a healthy diet, and when you??e had too much, a question remains on everyone?? mind. This article will answer many questions pertaining to the nutrients, benefits and risks involved with seafood, so that at last you can enjoy seafood worry free!
More than ever before, humans are at risk of developing heart disease, which is the number one killer of Americans today. Therefore, the FDA recommends that people should eat 8oz, or two servings, of seafood weekly. Consuming these servings of either fresh fish or shellfish can significantly rece occurrences of sudden deaths e to heart failure up to 90% more than humans who do not include seafood in their overall diet. After ongoing controversies, the FDA has finally put the risks and benefits involved with seafood to rest. According to the FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, ??he benefits involved with the consumption of seafood significantly outweigh the risks.??

Why, you ask? Many types of seafood contain an important ingredient called Omega-3, which is a fatty acid that must be consumed through food, as the body does not proce it on its own. Don?? let the words ??atty acid??scare you! This is a healthy fatty acid that has a number of benefits including improving cardiovascular health and neurological development, recing tissue inflammation, correcting heart arrhythmia, and preventing weight gain, heart failure, strokes, and diabetes, as well as lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.

Who should avoid consuming seafood? Many publications and articles in the past have noted that pregnant and breast feeding women should stay away from seafood, however it is no longer recommended that these women stay away from seafood entirely. According to Bill Hogarth, a Ph.D. administrator from National Marine Fisheries, ??he scientific evidence explored today is clear and solid. Eating more fish and shellfish will lead to a healthier, smarter and long-lived U.S. population.??In fact, it is noted that pregnant or breast feeding women eating omega-3 fatty acids, like tuna, shrimp and salmon, leads to higher intelligence in their offspring. However, they should limit their diet to seafood that does not contain high levels of mercury, like swordfish or shark. In conclusion, seafood is made for anyone who is seeking a healthier diet, but pregnant or nursing mothers should avoid seafood that is high in mercury??gain, balance is key! Below, we have provided a list of many types of fresh fish and shellfish, with their nutritional and beneficial information, as well as how they are cooked. Enjoy!!

Lobster: A very popular item on everyone?? menu, lobsters are freshest in the Northeast, but can be shipped overnight anywhere in the country.

Nutrients- Vitamin B12, Omega-3, Pantothentic Acid, Zinc, Copper, Phosphorus and Selenium Benefits- Lobster is a huge source of protein, is low in saturated fat, and did we say delicious? Cooking- This seafood favorite can be baked stuffed, steamed and boiled just to name a few

Scallops: A scallop is a muscle that is found inside two shells. Although cooked various ways, scallops always contain a mild and sweet flavor.

Nutrients- Tryptophan, Omega-3, Vitamin B12 and Magnesium Benefits- Scallops are very high in protein and helps maintain healthy blood vessel walls that avoid blood clots. Scallops also are great for cardio vascular health, prevention of osteoporosis and lowering blood pressure Cooking- Various cooking techniques are used including; seared, grilled, broiled, baked and fried

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