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亲爱的 晚安 日语说法

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 05:31



热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 23:31

小夫妻 直接叫名字 或者 叫あなた
明日 早く起きて顽张ってよ~

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 23:32

da-rin hayaku neyou asita motto gannbari

あなた お休み 明日もっと顽张り
anata oyasumi asita motto gannbari

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 23:32

nena,,dormis tempreno.
manana vas levandar temprano para estudiar~

ne na, do r(颤音) mis
ma nia na bas lei wan da r dem bra no, ba la ais di ar

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 23:33

da rin ,ha ya ku ne you,a shi ta motto benkyou shi ma syou~

热心网友 时间:2022-06-26 23:33

Will be up shortly before the United States to do research程惠芳just come back. "The impact of crisis on American life too! Know a lot of my professors, pensions, pensions are in the stock market, the market fell, the remaining money is now not even a fraction of that, not getting a pension. "She found that before the crisis," at the United States, wealth means to buy a house, buy the stock "and the stock collapsed, falling house prices, a lot of American people" have a negative equity. "
Song throne to the end of last year meeting in New York to go, I feel the hotel, restaurants, very depressed. Played in the street cars "black car", the driver is actually an unemployed electronics engineer, his wife is a university faculty. "Logically speaking, New York is the most resistant to the crisis, but they also tighten their belts."
Systematically studied the past 60 years the United States economic data,程惠芳noted that the United States has been a serious imbalance in instrial structure. Finance, real estate, social services, such as the United States together accounted for 70% of the economy. The automobile, chemical, machinery, equipment and other manufacturing instries, together accounting for only about 13%. This shows that the United States since 1980, accompanied by the transfer of manufacturing to foreign countries, the United States economy is in real estate, financial and personal consumption supported.
Resulting in the greatest social contradictions are "polarized." PLAYING Financial executives base salary into a geometric growth in the number of workers in traditional instries, the general American people's income does not increase and decrease.程惠芳of Statistics found that the United States over the past 25 years, has 15 years, the average wage is negative growth.
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