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求一篇英语作文 以My birthday party为题目

发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-03 22:10



热心网友 时间:2024-10-21 03:44

Today is my birthday. My name is XXX(姓名). I'm XX(年龄) years old. In my birthday party, Mother usually buys some interesting books for me and my father usually buys a pair of beautiful shoes for me. I love my gifts.
My friends are coming. The boys and girls are enjoying my birthday party. They're laughing and playing games. My birthday cake is very big. There are XX(你的年龄) candles on it. They say: happy birthday to XXX(姓名)!
Oh, what a nice birthday party!
以My birthday party为题的英语作文怎么写?

第一篇英语作文 写作思路:这篇作文将介绍我的生日聚会。我邀请了一些好友来参加,我们一起吃蛋糕、玩游戏、分享礼物,并度过了一个愉快的时光。英语原文:My Birthday Party Yesterday was my birthday, and I had a party at my house. I invited some friends to come over and celebrate with m...

求一篇英语作文 以My birthday party为题目

Oh, what a nice birthday party!


later on I have my birthday party every year.Last Saturday I had my birthday party at home. A few of my friend② came to my party. Everyone bought me a birthday present, and they all say③, "Happy birthday to you." Then I said "Thank④ very much for giving me the birthday present...

my birthday party英语作文60字,条件有图

Hi,I'm Andy.I'm12 years old.I had a party on my birthday.Many friends came to my party.They gave me many presents.For example,football,cards,toys and so on.We played together and sang loudly.We drank juice and milk.We also ate some vegetables.At last,we ate a big ...

以“My Birthday Party”为题用英语写一篇短文,至少写6句话

Today is my birthday. My name is XXX(姓名). I'm XX(年龄) years old. In my birthday party, Mother usually buys some interesting books for me and my father usually buys a pair of beautiful shoes for me. I love my gifts.My friends are coming. The boys and girls are ...

求一篇初中英语作文,MY BIRTHDAY PART。用过去式写。60词左右

My birthday party Today is my birthday,so I am very happy.My mother makes a big and nice cake for me.My father gives me a hairy doll as my birthday present.My brothers and sisters are watching comic strips(漫画).I am playing badminton(羽毛球)with my classmate.I received a...

英语作文“My birthday party”

Today is fool's day and it's also my birthday. My name is Sam. I'm 11 years old. In my birthday party, Mother usually buys some interesting books for me and my father usually buys a pair of beautiful shoes for me. I love my gifts.My friends are coming. The boys and...

以《My Birthday Party》为题.写一篇短文{英文}.要求如下

presents."One my birthday, my mother made my birthday cake and cooked some delicious food. My friends helped me to put the candles on the big cake. Then we began the party.I had a good time that day. We sang and played games, and ate delicious food. How happy I am!

求关于My birthday party的英语作文50词

My birthday party.Today is my (你几岁就写几岁,这里用序数词)birthday. I have a birthday party with my family. My mom and dad give me a beautiful gift,and my grandmom cooks a delicious meal for me.I love the cake and the food very much.I feel very happy with my ...

以“my birthday party "为题,写一篇英语作文,既要写到以前的生日聚会...

be colorful in my head.as for my birthday party in the future,i hope it will be a totally new one.no too many regulations.also,i wish my friends and me will cook together.that's my biggest wish put on my future birthday party.o(∩_∩)o..希望我的回答对LZ有帮助~。

birthdayparty的中文 A birthday party birthdayparty怎么读 birthdayparty翻译 birthday parties Mybirthdayisvery Birthdayparty birthday card have a birthday
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