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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 03:51



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 21:20

1.Do you think people need encouragement and praise? Why or why not?
encouragement and praise:鼓励和赞扬。回答:Yes,because they can make people more happy do things.
2.What do you think parents can do at home to encourage a child’s creativity?
回答:I think they can teach them to do something uncommom
3.Do you consider star athletes good role models for young people? Give reasons.
回答I think so.They can arouse our willpower(激发我们的意志力),show examples to us(作我们的榜样)
4.Some students say that now that they are at college, it’s time to relax and have fun after the hard work in high school. Do you agree? Give reasons.
有些学生说,现在,他们在大学里, 应该在高中学习后放松一下 。你是否同意?说明理由。
回答:I agree with them.but do not be too relaxed.
5.Talk about the types of sports available to college students and how you feel about these sports.
回答They give me confidence and show me examples
6.Introce a famous person you like and tell us some information about him/her引进一个著名的人,告诉我们一些关于他/她.
回答:, Thomas Alva Edison exerted a tremendous influence on modern life, contributing inventions such as the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera, as well as improving the telegraph and telephone. In his 84 years, he acquired an astounding 1,093 patents.
7.How do you manage anger in daily life? Give some examples
你怎么 克制 日常生活中的愤怒?举几个例子
回答:I told myself to calm down and try to think sth happy
8.Do you know certain customs of any cultures or nationalities? Talk about them.你知道某些海关 文化或国籍吗?谈论他们。
Sorry ,i do notknow very well

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 21:20

1.Do you think people need encouragement and praise? Why or why not?
encouragement and praise:鼓励和赞扬。回答:Yes,because they can make people more happy do things.
2.What do you think parents can do at home to encourage a child’s creativity?
回答:I think they can teach them to do something uncommom
3.Do you consider star athletes good role models for young people? Give reasons.
回答I think so.They can arouse our willpower(激发我们的意志力),show examples to us(作我们的榜样)
4.Some students say that now that they are at college, it’s time to relax and have fun after the hard work in high school. Do you agree? Give reasons.
有些学生说,现在,他们在大学里, 应该在高中学习后放松一下 。你是否同意?说明理由。
回答:I agree with them.but do not be too relaxed.
5.Talk about the types of sports available to college students and how you feel about these sports.
回答They give me confidence and show me examples
6.Introce a famous person you like and tell us some information about him/her引进一个著名的人,告诉我们一些关于他/她.
回答:, Thomas Alva Edison exerted a tremendous influence on modern life, contributing inventions such as the incandescent light bulb, the phonograph, and the motion picture camera, as well as improving the telegraph and telephone. In his 84 years, he acquired an astounding 1,093 patents.
7.How do you manage anger in daily life? Give some examples
你怎么 克制 日常生活中的愤怒?举几个例子
回答:I told myself to calm down and try to think sth happy
8.Do you know certain customs of any cultures or nationalities? Talk about them.你知道某些海关 文化或国籍吗?谈论他们。
Sorry ,i do notknow very well
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