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发布网友 发布时间:2023-10-10 08:19



热心网友 时间:2024-12-07 10:14

Due to development in areas like transportation, communication as well as people’s perception of life, indivials are no longer confined to their geological “hometown”, nor are they limited to single means of livelihood. Instead, some take a range of occupations and live in a bunch of cities in their mortal life.
For those followers of tradition, such a lifestyle can hardly be accepted. Many grandparents, for instance, voice concern over constantly changing life of the young. For them, a stable job equals a steady life, helping to eliminate the unnecessary troubles and risks in the vagaries of life; blessed by a fixed and progressive career, they are confident that, their children could finally have a good harvest in terms of fortune, comfort and even status. Similar arguments are heard with respect to places of residence: settling down in one town or city, people could enjoy the company of friends and relatives. They could also free themselves from adjusting themselves to new customs and behaviors if they are to move from one place to another. Nevertheless, the enormous transformation of the world means sticking to traditions may not be a wise choice anymore.
Firstly, the changes in technology and business bring abundant opportunities but also pose serious challenges to indivials. In other words, the improvement of technology and various business modes formed as a result means nobody can secure a job if he or she does not absorb the experiences of the different areas. An artists, for instance, should focus on academic stuff such as painting, yet to catch up with modern culture, working for a period as a designer in commercial enterprise or even IT companies could help him to “flourish”. Likewise, residing in cities of varied business atmosphere or cultural backgrounds encourages people to enlarge their eyesight and therefore perceive work and life from a whole new perspective. In contrast, for one person living in some distant villages like a hermit, the changes and challenges of modern society are quite likely to “devour” him sooner or later.
Moreover, such changes will cause the flow of people, which could finally benefit the society as a whole. Employees equipped with experience in different areas can comprise the core of one country’s labor force. These versatile workers could be essential for a country’s economy which is increasingly reliant on machinery but could hardly boom without truly experienced talents. In terms of the the flowing people in different cities, they could contribute to the diversified culture of cities, thus making the city life ,colorful but also harmonious.
In conclusion, despite the worries and uncertainties, changes in one’s career and residence could be beneficial for both indivials and the whole society. Overall, I believe it is a positive development.
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