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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 01:01



热心网友 时间:2023-02-03 10:13


热心网友 时间:2023-02-03 11:31

The sun returned home after a tough and 118-109 victory in the western conference finals, total score 1-2.

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"Little overlord" amare stoudemire scored 42 points and 11 rebounds, robin - 20 points, Jason Richardson 19 points, Steve Nash 17 points and 15 assists.

Kobe Bryant is almost three pairs, contribution, 11 assists 36 points and nine rebounds, but he also reached five times, mistake the full error 17 times. Pau gasol had 23 points and nine rebounds, drake - 18 points and Derek fisher RON artest 12 points.

The road was losing streak, for the lakers,NBA Jersey, as do many vital gold sun coach terry said: "like a hole in the pipe is blocked, your fingers with a hole, water and from another hole running out, we must find more finger."

Back home, the sun has gotten, even in defensive ambition. The first section, or they both liked Bryant attack, the first section 6 shots, one will hit five times had 11 points. The sun will not lack, amare stoudemire played more strong, unceasingly. Both the fight in this section, with 5 minutes, the three points to the sun Richardson to 22-19, Bryant beyond to three points, once again, the lakers will come, but Steve Nash and kieran Richardson takes both succession again after leading exchange. The sun, the first decline since shooting with 29-32 after behind.

The sun, in the second quarter to limit the tactics, the zone of the attack. This section and 4:53, the lakers (45-39 lead, but they later in this section, a ball made only a 15 - the sun at the end of this section 2, with 54-47 beyond. The lakers had 15 points, less than half of the first quarter. This section half, Derek fisher and friction, both sides a little lopez also nearly conflict.

The third quarter, the lakers to rediscover feeling and they began. The sun once led 69-61 8 points, but the lakers followed, this section with 2:14 seconds, Bryant hit a 3-pointer to 78-79. In 2 minutes free amare stoudemire, gasol immediately after the basket, keep 1 points into the gap. The lakers will be levelled once, but Mr Brown in this section 1.5 seconds before the end of the fouls against each other useless two free throws, barbosa two free throws with 86-84, sun before the end of the three.

With eight points, Lamar odom at 47 two free throws, the lakers to a 90-89 lead, but this is the last time they lead. After the lakers only four minutes,Los Angeles NBA Jerseys is open a door for bosh, the sun made an 11-2 run,cheap hat red, with a 100-92. The lakers trapped in the zone, the attack. In game 4 points and 33 seconds, free from kobe Bryant scored again.

Bryant takes four free throws, the lakers will be narrowed to 4 points, but their shots and continuous, sun scored six points in Nashville, shot, 106-96 crossed. The lakers then failed to narrow the gap to six points, finally in the west finals imposition.

热心网友 时间:2023-02-03 13:06


热心网友 时间:2023-02-03 14:57


热心网友 时间:2023-02-03 17:05

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