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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 09:06



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 05:33

Spartan King Leonidas: This is where we hold them! This is where we fight! This is where they die!
Captain: Earn these shields, boys!
[Spartans cheer]
Spartan King Leonidas: Remember this day, men, for it will be yours for all time.
Spartan King Leonidas: The world will know that freemen stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and that before this battle is done, that even a god king can bleed.
Spartan King Leonidas: Persian cowards.
Stelios: What the hell are you laughing at?
Astinos: You had to say it!
Stelios: What?
Astinos: Fight in the shade!
Stelios: Our ancestors built this wall. Using ancient stones from the bosom of Greece herself. And with a little Spartan help, your Persian scouts supplied to mortar.
Dilios: Immortals,we put their name to the test.
[first lines]
Dilios: When the boy was born, like all Spartans, he was inspected.
[last lines]
Dilios: So my king died, and my brothers died, barely a year ago. Long I pondered my king's cryptic talk of victory. But time has proven him wise, for from free Greek to free Greek, the word was spread that bold Leonidas and his 300, so far from home, laid down their lives... not just for Sparta, but for all Greece and the promise this country holds. Now, here on this ragged patch of earth called Plataea, Persian hordes face obliteration! Just there, the barbarians gather, sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers, knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of 300. Yet they stare now across the plain at 10,000 Spartans commanding 30,000 free Greeks! Ho! The enemy outnumber us a paltry three to one! Good odds for any Greek. This day we rescue a world from mysticism and tyranny, and usher in a future brighter than anything we could imagine. Give thanks, men, to Leonidas and the brave 300! To victory!
Dilios: He did not wish tribute, nor song, or monuments or poems of war and valor. His wish was simple. "Remember us" he said to me. That was his hope, should any free soul come across that place, in all the countless centuries yet to be. "May all our voices whisper to you from the ageless stones, "Go tell the Spartans, passerby, that here by Spartan law, we lie." And so my king died, and my brothers died; barely a year ago. Long I pondered my king's cryptic talk of victory, but time has proven him wise, for from free Greek to free Greek, the word was spread that bold Leonidas and his 300, so far from home, laid down their lives... not just for Sparta, but for all Greece and the promise this country holds. Now here on this ragged patch of earth called Plateaea, let his hordes face obliteration!
Spartan Army: HA-OOH!
Dilios: Just there the barbarians huddle, sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers... knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of 300, yet they stare now across the plane at 10,000 Spartans commanding 30,000 free Greeks... HA-OOH!
Spartan Army: HA-OOH! HA-OOH! HA-OOH!
Dilios: The enemy outnumber us a paltry 3 to 1, a match for any Greek. This day we rescue a world from mysticism and tyranny and usher in a world brighter than anything we can imagine, Give thanks, men, to Leonidas and the brave 300! TO VICTORY!
Dilios: He did not wish tribute, nor song, or monuments or poems of war and valor. His wish was simple. "Remember us" he said to me. That was his hope, should any free soul come across that place, in all the countless centuries yet to be. "May all our voices whisper to you from the ageless stones, "Go tell the Spartans, passerby, that here by Spartan law, we lie." And so my king died, and my brothers died; barely a year ago. Long I pondered my king's cryptic talk of victory, but time has proven him wise, for from free Greek to free Greek, the word was spread that bold Leonidas and his 300, so far from home, laid down their lives... not just for Sparta, but for all Greece and the promise this country holds. Now here on this ragged patch of earth called Plateaea, let his hordes face obliteration!
Spartan Army: HO!
Dilios: Just there the barbarians huddle, sheer terror gripping tight their hearts with icy fingers... knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of 300, yet they stare now across the plane at 10,000 Spartans commanding 30,000 free Greeks... HO!
Spartan Army: HO! HO! HO!
Dilios: The enemy outnumber us a paltry 3 to 1, a match for any Greek. This day we rescue a world from mysticism and tyranny and usher in a world brighter than anything we can imagine, Give thanks, men, to Leonidas and the brave 300! TO VICTORY!
Stelios: It is an honor to die at your side.
Spartan King Leonidas: It is an honor to have lived at yours.
Dilios: Go tell the Spartans, passerby, That here, by Spartan law, we lie
Spartan King Leonidas: You there! What is your profession?
[points to Arkadian soldier behind Daxos]
Arkadian soldier #1: A potter, sir.
Spartan King Leonidas: Hm... and you, Arkadian - what is your profession?
[points to another soldier]
Arkadian soldier #2: I'm a blacksmith, sir.
Spartan King Leonidas: [turns to his soldiers] Spartans! What is your profession?
Spartans: Harooh! Harooh! Harooh!
[simultaneous, followed and preceded by immediate silence]
Spartan King Leonidas: [turning to Daxos] You see, old friend? I brought more soldiers than you did.
Narrator: The beasts were clumsy and the dead were slippery.
Queen Gorgo: Spartan!
Spartan King Leonidas: Yes, my lady?
Queen Gorgo: Come back with your shield, or on it.
Messenger: A thousand nations of the Persian empire descend upon you. Our arrows will blot out the sun!
Stelios: Then we will fight in the shade.
Spartan King Leonidas: There's no reason we can't be civil.
Captain: [stabs a dying Persian] Right Sire.
Dilios: Immortals, they failed the king's test, and a man who fancies himself a god feels a very human chill crawl up his spine.
Spartan King Leonidas: You have many slaves, Xerxes. But few warriors. It won't be long before they fear my spears more than your whips.
Xerxes: It's not the lash they fear. It is my divine power.
Dilios: The old ones say we Spartans are descended from Hercules himself. Bold Leonidas gives testiment to our bloodline. His roar is long and loud.
Messenger: Choose your next words carefully, Leonidas. They may be your last as king.
Spartan King Leonidas: You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, Persian. Perhaps you should have done the same!
Spartan King Leonidas: Let me guess,you must be... Xerxes!
Xerxes: I will erase Sparta from the histories... The world will never even know you existed at all.
Spartan King Leonidas: The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many.
Elder #1: My good king! My good king! The oracle has spoken.
Elder #2: The Ephors has spoken! There must be no march!
Theron: It is the law, my lord. The Spartan army must not go to war.
Spartan King Leonidas: And nor shall we. I've said no such order. I'm here, just taking a stroll, stretching my legs...
[pauses and looks back]
Spartan King Leonidas: Those are my 300 personal bodyguards.
Elder #1: [after the army starts marching in the fields, talking nervously] What should we do?
Theron: [sighs in disbelief] What can we do?
Spartan King Leonidas: [sarcastically] What can you do?
Messenger: Who does this woman think she is that she can speak among men?
Queen Gorgo: Because only Spartan women give birth to real men.
Stelios: We are with you sire! For Sparta, for freedom, to the death!
Persian Officer: My arm.
Stelios: It's not yours, anymore!
Dilios: A beast is approaching.
Dilios: He did not wish tribute, nor song, or monuments or poems of war and valor. His wish was simple. "Remember us" he said to me, that was his hope, should any free soul come across that place, in all the countless centuries yet to be. "May all our voices whisper to you from the ageless stones, go tell a Spartans' passerby, that here by Spartan law, we lie." And so my King died, and my brothers died; barely a year ago. Long I pondered my kings cryptic talk of victory, but time has proven him wise, for from free Greek to free Greek the word was spread that bold Leonidas and his 300, so far from home laid down their lives not just for Sparta but for all Greece and the promise this country holds. Now here on this ragged patch of earth called Plateaea, let his hordes face obliteration!
Spartan Army: HO!
Dilios: Just there the barbarians huddle, shear terror gripping tight, their hearts, with icy fingers. Knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of 300, yet they stare now across the plane at 10,000 Spartans commanding 30,000 free Greeks... HO!
Spartan Army: HO! HO! HO!
Dilios: The enemy outnumber us a paltry 3 to 1, a match for any Greek. This day we rescue a world from mysticism and tyranny and usher in a world brighter than anything we can imagine, Give thanks men to Leonidas and the brave 300, TO VICTORY!
Queen Gorgo: Freedom is not free, it requires great sacrafice. The price is paid in blood.
Messenger: [facing Leonidas's sword] Mad... you're a madman! No man, Persian or Greek, would ever attack a messenger!
Spartan King Leonidas: You come to my city bearing the skulls of conquered kings, you insult my queen, you threaten my people with slavery and death! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully Persian. Perhaps you should have done the same.
Theron: [before raping Queen Gorgo] This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this. I am not your King.
Theron: My whore Queen...
Queen Gorgo: [stabs Theron] This will not be over quickly! You will not enjoy this! I am not your Queen!
Spartan King Leonidas: My children, gather round! No retreat, no surrender; that is Spartan law and by Spartan law we will stand and fight... and die. A new age has begun. An age of freedom, and will know, that 300 Spartans gave their last breaths to defend it!
Dilios: For 500 years they've served the dark will of Persian kings. Eyes as dark as night... teeth, filed to fangs... soulless. The personal guard to King Xerxes himself; the Persian warrior elite. The deadliest fighting force in all of Asia. The Immortals.
Spartan King Leonidas: Submission? Well that's gonna be a bit of a problem. See, rumor has it that the Athenians have already refused you, and if those philosophers and boy-lovers have found that kind of nerve...
Theron: [Interrupting] We must be diplomatic.
Spartan King Leonidas: ...and of course Spartans have their reputations to consider.
Spartan King Leonidas: You bring the crowns and heads of conquered kings to my city steps. You insult my queen. You threaten my people with slavery and death! Oh, I've chosen my words carefully, Persian. Perhaps you should have done the same!
Messenger: This is blasphemy! This is madness!
Spartan King Leonidas: Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!
Spartan King Leonidas: Submission... that's a bit of a problem. See rumor has it, the Athenians have already turned you down. And if those philosophers and eh, boy lovers have that kind of nerve...!
Xerxes: Yours is a fascinating tribe... defiant even in the face of annihilation. There is much our cultures could share.
Spartan King Leonidas: Perhaps you haven't noticed, but we've been sharing our culture with you all morning.
Spartan King Leonidas: The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant. That few stood against many. And before this battle was over, that even a god-king can bleed.
Spartan King Leonidas: Immortals... we'll put their name to the test.
Captain: They look thirsty!
Spartan King Leonidas: Well let's give them something to drink! To the cliffs!
Spartan King Leonidas: Then what must a king do to save his world when the very laws he has sworn to protect force him to do nothing?
Queen Gorgo: It is not a question of what a Spartan citizen should do, nor a husband, nor a king. Instead, ask yourself, my dearest love, what should a free man do?
Spartan King Leonidas: Spartans! Prepare for glory!
Dilios: We did what we were trained to do, what we were bred to do, what we were born to do!
Dilios: The enemy outnumber us a paltry three to one, good odds for any Greek!
Dilios: Hundreds left, a handful stayed, only one looked back.
Queen Gorgo: Spartan. Come back with your shield... or on it.
Spartan King Leonidas: Yes milady.
Spartan King Leonidas: My heart is broken for your loss.
Captain: Heart? I have filled my heart with hate.
Spartan King Leonidas: Good.
Spartan King Leonidas: [Turning towards the Spartans] Spartans! What is your profession?
Spartans: Harooh! Harooh! Harooh!
Spartan King Leonidas: See old friend, I brought more soldiers than you did.
[Dilios is putting a patch over his eye]
Spartan King Leonidas: Dilios, I trust that "scratch" hasn't made you useless.
Dilios: Hardly, my lord, it's just an eye. The gods saw fit to grace me with a spare.
Dilios: [narrating] Go, tell the Spartans, passerby, that here, by Spartan law, we lie.
Xerxes: Your Athenian rivals will kneel at your feet... if you but kneel at mine.
Spartan King Leonidas: That is quite an offer. Only a mad man would refuse it. But this kneeling business... I'm afraid killing all those slaves of yours has left me with a nasty cramp in my leg.
Spartan King Leonidas: You there! Ephialtes! May you live forever. STELIOS!
Queen Gorgo: It is not a question of what a Spartan citizen SHOULD do, nor a husband, nor a king, instead ask yourself, my dearest love, what should a free man do.
Xerxes: Imagine what horrible fate awaits my enemies when I would gladly kill any of my own men for victory.
Spartan King Leonidas: And I would die for any of mine.
Spartan King Leonidas: The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many, and before this battle was over, that even a God-King can bleed.
Xerxes: Consider the fate of your women.
Spartan King Leonidas: Clearly you don't know our women! I might as well have marched them up here judging by what I've seen.
Spartan King Leonidas: [his last lines] My Queen! My wife. My love...
Spartan King Leonidas: Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty... For tonight, we dine in hell!
Spartan King Leonidas: A new age has begun, an age of freedom. And all will know that 300 Spartans gave their last breath to defend it.
Spartan King Leonidas: This is where we hold them. This is where we fight. This is where they die.
Spartan King Leonidas: Unless I miss my guess, we're in for one wild night.
Spartan King Leonidas: Give them nothing! But take from them everything!
Xerxes: Cruel Leonidas demanded that you stand. I require only that you kneel.
Persian Officer: Spartans, lay down your weapons.
Spartan King Leonidas: Persians! Come and get them!
Dilios: We Spartans have descended from Hercules himself. Taught never to retreat, never to surrender. Taught that death in the battlefield is the greatest glory he could achieve in his life. Spartans: the finest soldiers the world has ever known.
Queen Gorgo: I am not here to represent Leonidas; his actions speak louder than my words ever could. I am here for all those voices which cannot be heard: mothers, daughters, fathers, sons - three hundred families that bleed for our rights, and for the very principles this room was built upon. We are at war, gentlemen. We must send the entire Spartan army to aid our king in the preservation of not just ourselves, but of our children. Send the army for the preservation of liberty. Send it for justice. Send it for law and order. Send it for reason. But most importantly, send our army for hope - hope that a king and his men have not been wasted to the pages of history - that their courage bonds us together, that we are made stronger by their actions, and that your choices today reflect their bravery.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 05:33



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 05:34


34.In the end... a Spartars true strength …is the warrior next to him.最终,斯巴达人真正的力量 是他身边的勇士 35.So give respect and honor to him, and it will be returned to you.尊重身边的人并给予荣耀 你会得到回报的.36.First... you fight with your head. Then you fi...


别天真了,波斯人,在斯巴达你一样都供不起。49、What makes this woman think she can speak among men?(the Persian messenger)这个女人怎么会认为她可以在男人中说话?50、Because only Spartan women give birth to real men.(Queen)因为只有斯巴达的女人孕育了真正的男人。60、Let us walk to cool our tongue...


Spartans!  Tonight we dine in hell.斯巴达人! 今晚我们在地狱用餐!We're in for one wild night.我们将渡过一个狂野之夜 We will stand and fight.  A new age has begun.  An age of freedom and all would know that three hundred Spartans get the last breath to...

斯巴达300勇士 台词

我这辈子不知道什么是后悔,现在我知道了。不是因为我的儿子为我们的国家献出了生命,而是我还没来得及告诉他,我爱他甚于一切。我以他为豪,他是我的荣耀~斯巴达的战士们,去吃早饭,直至吃饱。因为今晚我们要到地狱用餐~世界将知道自由人绝不向暴君屈服 没有撤退,没有投降 这就是斯巴达法典 议员们...

谁知道 斯巴达300勇士中的一句台词??



1、当波斯使者劝降时,列奥尼达国王说:“你将你们征服过的国王头骨带到我的城下,你用奴役和死亡威胁我的人民”(“这真是疯了,疯了!”)“疯了?这,就是,斯巴达人!”2、王后在为勇士们送行时对她的爱人说道:“要么带着你的盾凯旋归来,要么就躺在上面(战死沙场)。” 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评...


当波斯人夸口说箭矢将遮天蔽日,斯巴达勇士回应道:"那我们就在阴影下战斗!"(The arrows will blot out the sun! Then we will fight in the shade!)面对敌人的挑衅,列奥尼达毫不退让,他向波斯人发出挑战:"斯巴达人,来拿走你们的武器!"(Spartans! Lay down your weapons!),而他本人则是...


巴达勇士的主题在于2个 承诺 勇气 实际上我觉得他是在歌颂凡人的精神 而且实际上 电影所反映的出了这些以外还有个关键的词 自由 要知道希腊是个充满信仰的地方 他们总坚信神于他们同在而心中充满勇气 而事实上 他们的灵魂和 信仰已经超越任何力量 另外反观就是人能胜神 而不是神能救人 ... 反正是...


波斯使者:“简直不可理喻!”斯巴达国王列奥尼达:“不可理喻?这里可是斯巴达!”(经典...)Persian:“The arrows will blot out the sun!”Spartan:“Then we will fight in the shade!”波斯人:“我们射向天空的箭会把太阳都遮住!”斯巴达勇士:“(片刻沉默)那我们就在阴影下战斗! ”


公元前48年壮烈牺牲的300名斯巴达勇士的墓志铭:Go, tell the Lacedainonians, Passer by,路过的人,请转告斯巴达人,That here obedient to their laws we lie.我们长眠于此是为了效忠祖国和人民。Lacedainonians:斯巴达人

斯巴达300经典语录 斯巴达300勇士励志名言 斯巴达300勇士独白 斯巴达经典台词 关于斯巴达的名句 斯巴达勇士名言 斯巴达勇士精神名言 斯巴达勇士宣言 斯巴达勇士
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