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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 05:30



热心网友 时间:2022-06-19 16:12

Five Years After Joining the WTO, China’s Economic Frenzy Continues
“Karaoke” and the massive collection of trade agreements known as the “WTO” (World Trade Organization) are the two foreign words most widely recognized by the Chinese people, according to Yajun “James” Lu, former section chief in the WTO Department in China’s ministry of commerce. “There has been a huge nationwide campaign to publicize the WTO,” Lu said ring a discussion of China’s post-WTO economy and its commercial relationship with the United States. “One major Chinese university offers a PhD on WTO.”

Lu, a first-year student, and Weija Wang, vice commercial consul at China’s General Consulate in Chicago, were among speakers at the October 21 event at Gleacher Center in Chicago. The talk was organized by the China Business and Economy Group, which is run by students in the Evening MBA and Weekend MBA programs. Lu and Wang were directly involved in the work of the WTO in China and have experience in the United States as well, said Yixian “Vivian” Chen, group co-chair.

The WTO created such frenzy there because it leveled the economic playing field for China, made foreign investment more attractive, gave China access to WTO rule-making, upgraded domestic economic regulations, and increased the accountability of the Chinese government, Lu said. “More importantly, I think, it links China irreversibly with the opening-up process,” he said. “This process will not be interrupted by politics anymore. It will make the country more responsible and predictable.”

In a 2,000-page government guide on the WTO, China has committed to opening trade in goods and services, protecting intellectual property rights at the level of developed countries, uniform implementing trade policy, and observing most favored nation status, Lu said. “It means you will treat everybody equally at the border when their goods come in,” he said. “There shall be no differences in the tariff that will apply among different nations.” The average import tariff has been reced from 43 percent to 10 percent, including 9.2 percent for instrial goods and 15.1 percent for agricultural procts, Lu said.

China underwent long-term negotiations to enter the WTO because other countries feared its massive economy would become dominant, Lu said. Five years after joining the WTO, China has experienced 30 percent annual growth in foreign trade and become the third largest trader in the organization, behind only the United States and the European Union, Lu said. China is the number-one destination for foreign investment among developing nations, including $72 billion last year. “Most importantly, we’re so crazy about this because transparency, fair competition, and a credit system have been key parts in creating a market economy,” he said.
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