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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 08:10



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 10:19

A Misfortunate women
Lucy is a busy women(一般现在时). She got up at 6:30 this morning(过去时). As usual, she turned on her CD player to enjoyed her favorite music as soon as she got up, ring which she washed and made up her face. When she was cooking eggs and milk, the cellphone rang, which told her to fetch the milk she ordered the day before yesterday. Then she hurried to the downstairs. Several mintues later, she came back. Everything in the room greatly surprised her: the little dog was chewing (过去进行时)the beef on the table, the whole room was filled with a terrible smell for the milk had been cooking (过去完成进行时)for a long time, and the water in the pot which boied the eggs had already evaporated and the eggs had become bad. But she had no time to deal with the kitchen for she would go out(过去将来时) for work. When she arrived the station, she only found the bus just left. This afternoon she will go to(一般将来时) the bank to draw some money for she has to attend the wedding of a friend. Now, she is taking (现在进行时)a taxi to the bank,but after searching the bag,she found that she left her ID card in the office.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 10:20


热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 10:19

A Misfortunate women
Lucy is a busy women(一般现在时). She got up at 6:30 this morning(过去时). As usual, she turned on her CD player to enjoyed her favorite music as soon as she got up, ring which she washed and made up her face. When she was cooking eggs and milk, the cellphone rang, which told her to fetch the milk she ordered the day before yesterday. Then she hurried to the downstairs. Several mintues later, she came back. Everything in the room greatly surprised her: the little dog was chewing (过去进行时)the beef on the table, the whole room was filled with a terrible smell for the milk had been cooking (过去完成进行时)for a long time, and the water in the pot which boied the eggs had already evaporated and the eggs had become bad. But she had no time to deal with the kitchen for she would go out(过去将来时) for work. When she arrived the station, she only found the bus just left. This afternoon she will go to(一般将来时) the bank to draw some money for she has to attend the wedding of a friend. Now, she is taking (现在进行时)a taxi to the bank,but after searching the bag,she found that she left her ID card in the office.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 10:20

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