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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 12:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:39

The Mercury near toes the sun most s, and is a solar system amid the second minor planet.The Mercury's English name Mercury is fm the Rome absolute being colliculus benefit. colliculus it is Hermes in the Greece myth that benefit as well.Probably the subject to Mercury in the sky move quickly, and just make it receive this name.
The Venus leaves the sun second near, solar system is amid the number the sixth major planet.The ancient Greek calls it for Aphrodite( ar - fluoranthene )s, and is a Greece myth amid the love with the beautiful fairy.And in the Rome myth the love is a — with the beautiful fairy the Venus, for this reason Venus as well to call to commit the “ the ".
The earth is a the sun third the , it is a solar system indoles earth planet is amid the maximum of a, is also solar system number the fifth major planet, planet age estimate the about have 45 hundred million year.(4.5 × 109)It is name that receive from the Greece or Rome absolute being that earth is an anti of unique.Earth a the verba come from ancient English and German language.Certainly have here many assign name toing of other language.In the Rome myth, the earth fairy call the rich earth of Tellus - .
Mars is for the the sun number four far, is also solar system amid the number the seventh major planet.The quando Mars looks in the night airs is a blood red color of, quare is in the west, with the war absolute being in the myth in Rome the Mars assign name to it.
The jupiter leaves the sun number the fifth planet, and is max. a.The jupiter is a sky amid the number four brilliant body.The jupiter rotates the quickest planet.Call it for 朱 to shield the — the Jupiter in the west, and is a 众 in the myth in Rome the absolute being's king, equal to 宙 in the Greece myth of .( Zeus)
The saturn leaves the sun number six removed planet.Is a solar system amid only the second major planet of the next to jupiter.The ancient times in China calls it for town s or fill the .The saturn's English name Saturn( and denomination of European saturn in the language of other bulk analysis) therefore spiritual agriculture absolute being in Rome the assign name to of.Agriculture absolute being in the Greece myth the Cronus is an Uranus( uranus) sum the son of the said sulfoxide, is also the parent of the .
The uranus is a solar system amid leave the sun number seven far planet, color is for the bice, is a planet of a pattern gas.( Gas Giant)Compute with the diameter, and the uranus is a solar system third major planet;Assign name toing of uranus, is a black pull of celestial spirits to draw from Greece myth Uranus.Black pull the is the absolute being of the universe in the myth of rare since old times wax, and is the earliest to the highest absolute being of higher -.He is the son of the said sulfoxide mate, is a Cronus( agriculture absolute being saturn), eye giant sum the Titan( wood elder generation for spirit of mountain)'s parent.
Neptune is for the solar system nine number in major planets the eighth, is a planet.Neptune.The current neptune is a solar system inside to leave the removed planet of the sun second.The neptune's name is a Neptunian within Rome myth.( Neptune)Rare since old times wax myth amid Neptunian call the wave bung the .( Poseidon)
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