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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 10:53



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 23:57

新的学期,需要我们付出更多的努力,继续书写五彩的篇章。红色的热情,温暖我们年少的心;金色的拼搏,灌溉出硕大的果实,笑开了一张张疲惫而青春的面庞;绿色的闲适,是和朋友开玩笑、发牢*的草坪,是遥望苍天白云、星空月夜的那扇窗,培育了良好的心情,松弛了一根根绷紧的神经。和着一丝丝浅浅的蓝色的忧愁和浓浓的咖啡色的喜悦,调会出我们所有的感受和感动。 “路漫漫,其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。”现在的我们,任重而道远,但披星戴月的奋斗必将换来成功的辉煌。昨日苦涩的泪水汇入心田,凝结成奋发图强的力量。希望同学们在日后的学习生活中,不断进取,自信自强,无论在教室还是寝室,都要做一名合格的郑外学子。超越自我,挑战极限。一切皆有可能,相信自己,你是最棒的!无论发生了什么事,不要轻言放弃。怀着心中的渴望与憧憬,坚定自己的信念,朝着远方的彼岸不断向前冲,活出自己的精彩,天红将不再阴霾,灿烂盛开的天空下,阳光也会有最繁盛的拔节。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 23:57

整个典礼过程热烈、庄重,掌声不断,最后典礼在全体师生排山倒海般的校训“我行,我能行;你行,我更行”的宣誓声中结束。从退场时XX中学全体师生那闪亮的眼光里,我们看到了他们新学期昂扬斗志的火焰,看到了一幅“乘风破浪济沧海”的思源未来图景 .

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 23:58

Please enter here need to be translated in the King's school leaders, teachers, Dear students: Hello everybody! Spring fills the air, though still a bit cold, but winter has passed, it is the spring season. After a short rest, the filling of passion, high-spirited and it starts our new journey.Please enter here need to be translated in the King's school leaders, teachers, Dear students: The new semester, we have to establish a more long-term future of a beacon, even though the road is long, navigation lights blinking fans, but the approaching step by step we will continue to amend heading towards the coordinates of the origin of life moving.Independent of the parents was a junior high school depends on the student's life. Here, there is no full wing of the sanctuary, but more contemporary in the mutual interest and mutual understanding; no one will blame you against the cold walls of a daze, more traction is virtually the surrounding environment to dig your wonderful campus culture . Lazy life was to melt a lot of passion, ideals, determination and pursuit, "busy", "hard" was never more than an outsider's general behavior, we need to create their own wonderful life. Tender on the back with bags looking for their flowering season's end, calmly walking in the campus. More than a year of trials and hardships, we continue to grow, touch or deep or shallow beneath the footprint, we are increasingly mature. Ups and downs of entering junior middle schools, or hi, or sorrow, or joy or sorrow, will eventually vanish, we need to do is look to the future.The new term, we need to work harder, continue to write colorful chapter.I hope the students learn in the future life, continuous improvement, self confidence, both in the classroom or the bedroom, have to do a qualified foreign students Zheng. Beyond the self and challenge the limit. Anything is possible, believe in yourself, you are the best! No matter what happens, do not give up. With desire and longing hearts, strengthen our faith, toward the distant shore constantly forward, lived up to the wonderful, the day will no longer red haze, bright sky in full bloom, the sun will have the most prosperous of the jointing . "The great ambition there, Ji Yun-Fan economic sea." Does not allow you hesitate, but you should not give up, "where there is a way, most drastic, and millions of Qin Chu final clearance; painstakingly people live day, Revival , can swallow a thousand more Wu. Let us embrace rolls Papers, JI White on behalf of the essence, pragmatic and each step, and work together to create brilliant tomorrow!Remember: Today I am proud of outside Zheng, Zheng outside tomorrow for me and proud! Finally, I wish all teachers and students in the new semester in progress every day, happy happy! Thank you! Text

热心网友 时间:2023-09-29 22:59

新的学期,需要我们付出更多的努力,继续书写五彩的篇章。红色的热情,温暖我们年少的心;金色的拼搏,灌溉出硕大的果实,笑开了一张张疲惫而青春的面庞;绿色的闲适,是和朋友开玩笑、发牢*的草坪,是遥望苍天白云、星空月夜的那扇窗,培育了良好的心情,松弛了一根根绷紧的神经。和着一丝丝浅浅的蓝色的忧愁和浓浓的咖啡色的喜悦,调会出我们所有的感受和感动。 “路漫漫,其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。”现在的我们,任重而道远,但披星戴月的奋斗必将换来成功的辉煌。昨日苦涩的泪水汇入心田,凝结成奋发图强的力量。希望同学们在日后的学习生活中,不断进取,自信自强,无论在教室还是寝室,都要做一名合格的郑外学子。超越自我,挑战极限。一切皆有可能,相信自己,你是最棒的!无论发生了什么事,不要轻言放弃。怀着心中的渴望与憧憬,坚定自己的信念,朝着远方的彼岸不断向前冲,活出自己的精彩,天红将不再阴霾,灿烂盛开的天空下,阳光也会有最繁盛的拔节。

热心网友 时间:2023-09-29 23:00

整个典礼过程热烈、庄重,掌声不断,最后典礼在全体师生排山倒海般的校训“我行,我能行;你行,我更行”的宣誓声中结束。从退场时XX中学全体师生那闪亮的眼光里,我们看到了他们新学期昂扬斗志的火焰,看到了一幅“乘风破浪济沧海”的思源未来图景 .

热心网友 时间:2023-09-29 23:00

Please enter here need to be translated in the King's school leaders, teachers, Dear students: Hello everybody! Spring fills the air, though still a bit cold, but winter has passed, it is the spring season. After a short rest, the filling of passion, high-spirited and it starts our new journey.Please enter here need to be translated in the King's school leaders, teachers, Dear students: The new semester, we have to establish a more long-term future of a beacon, even though the road is long, navigation lights blinking fans, but the approaching step by step we will continue to amend heading towards the coordinates of the origin of life moving.Independent of the parents was a junior high school depends on the student's life. Here, there is no full wing of the sanctuary, but more contemporary in the mutual interest and mutual understanding; no one will blame you against the cold walls of a daze, more traction is virtually the surrounding environment to dig your wonderful campus culture . Lazy life was to melt a lot of passion, ideals, determination and pursuit, "busy", "hard" was never more than an outsider's general behavior, we need to create their own wonderful life. Tender on the back with bags looking for their flowering season's end, calmly walking in the campus. More than a year of trials and hardships, we continue to grow, touch or deep or shallow beneath the footprint, we are increasingly mature. Ups and downs of entering junior middle schools, or hi, or sorrow, or joy or sorrow, will eventually vanish, we need to do is look to the future.The new term, we need to work harder, continue to write colorful chapter.I hope the students learn in the future life, continuous improvement, self confidence, both in the classroom or the bedroom, have to do a qualified foreign students Zheng. Beyond the self and challenge the limit. Anything is possible, believe in yourself, you are the best! No matter what happens, do not give up. With desire and longing hearts, strengthen our faith, toward the distant shore constantly forward, lived up to the wonderful, the day will no longer red haze, bright sky in full bloom, the sun will have the most prosperous of the jointing . "The great ambition there, Ji Yun-Fan economic sea." Does not allow you hesitate, but you should not give up, "where there is a way, most drastic, and millions of Qin Chu final clearance; painstakingly people live day, Revival , can swallow a thousand more Wu. Let us embrace rolls Papers, JI White on behalf of the essence, pragmatic and each step, and work together to create brilliant tomorrow!Remember: Today I am proud of outside Zheng, Zheng outside tomorrow for me and proud! Finally, I wish all teachers and students in the new semester in progress every day, happy happy! Thank you! Text
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