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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 10:51



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 01:12

本论文的主题是汉代画像中的舞蹈,研究对象是两汉时期涉及舞蹈内容的画像石,画像砖及壁画。The Dance in Han Dynasty is the theme of this paper and the research subjects are related to painting cocern with dance scene on the Stone, Brick, and murals in Han Dynasty.
汉代是我国古代墓室绘画的繁荣时期,它的绘画内容从对神的崇拜和向往到对人的尊重、对现实生活的描绘,汉画中表现那些歌舞升平的“宴饮乐舞”图逐渐多了起来,这强烈的昭示了人对现实的关注和对自我的肯定。 Tomb paintings is booming in Han Dynasty, which concern with the worship of God and yearning to respect for human beings, and the real-life depiction. More paintings of the joyful "feast Dance" show that Han Dynasty has a strong concern of reality and self-affirmation.
With the heroic character of Han ethnic a new style and feature have been introced into dance and rock paintings of that time.
This article will show the origins of paintings on the Stone, Brick, and murals in Han Dynasty and try to find dance scene in these paintings. By observe and classified them we can get the actuality of dance and art styles of dance in Han Dynasty.

谢谢第一楼,给翻出了部分难词和术语,省得再查! 请楼主赏分。

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 01:13

The theme of this thesis is the Han Dynasty in the dance, the subjects are related to dance the content of the Han Dynasty Stone, Brick, and murals. Han Dynasty tomb paintings in ancient China ring the boom, it's drawing content from the worship of God and yearning to respect for human beings, on the real-life depiction of the Han Dynasty in the performance of those songs and dances of the "feast Dance"Figure graally more Together, this person has demonstrated a strong concern and the reality of self-affirmation. Han Han heroic character dance and rock paintings to bring a new style and features. This paper will introce the historical origins of Han Dynasty started dancing in the Han Dynasty to find traces of its observation, and then classified from the time that the social status of the Han Dynasty and the art of dance styles.
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