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曲婉婷的Jar of Love 中文谐音歌词。我不是要英文翻译,是像I LOVE YOU 爱拉乌油 这种。 100悬赏

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 10:40



热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 12:06

Another sunrise,another sunset 呃那则 三ruai字,呃那则 三赛他
Soon it'll all be yesterday 孙 一他’哦 奥比 也斯特得
Another good day,another bad day 呃那则,古的得,呃那则拜的得
what did you do today 喔他滴的呦杜特得
Why do we choose to chase外杜为处自吐柴字
What we'll lose 喔特为’哦露丝
What you want isn't what you have 沃特呦*一怎特我特呦还舞
What you have may not be 沃特呦还舞美脑特比
Not be yours to keep 脑特比要死图ki破

If I could find love, at a stop 姨夫爱哭的烦得劳务,爱他呃死到破
Be in a park, with open arms 比因呃帕克,位子噢盆啊母死
I would save all my love,in a jar made of spark 爱唔得sei舞奥买劳务,因呃渣美的噢夫死帕克
Sealed in my beating heart si哦的因买比挺哈特
Could it be yours to keep 哭的伊特比要死吐ki破
The jar of love 德渣噢夫劳务

Another sunrise,another sunset 呃那则 三ruai字,呃那则 三赛他
Soon it'll all be yesterday 转瞬一切都会是昨天
Another good day,another bad day 孙 一他’哦 奥比 也斯特得
what did you do today 喔他滴的呦杜特得
Why do we choose to chase 外杜为处自吐柴字
What we'll lose喔特为’哦露丝
What you want isn't what you have 沃特呦*一怎特我特呦还舞
What you have may not be 沃特呦还舞美脑特比
Not be yours to keep 脑特比要死图ki破

If I could find love, at a stop 姨夫爱哭的烦得劳务,爱他呃死到破
Be in a park, with open arms 比因呃帕克,位子噢盆啊母死
I would save all my love,in a jar made of spark 爱唔得sei舞奥买劳务,因呃渣美的噢夫死帕克
Sealed in my beating heart si哦的因买比挺哈特
Could it be yours to keep 哭的伊特比要死吐ki破
The jar of love 德渣噢夫劳务

Could you be my love 哭的呦比买劳务
Could you be my love 哭的呦比买劳务
Could you be my love 哭的呦比买劳务
Could you be my love 哭的呦比买劳务
Could you be my love 哭的呦比买劳务


热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 12:06

跟着唱 几遍最好 Another sunrise another sunset---啊 哪的三软。啊 哪的三赛
soon it ll all be yesterday---输的 奥比 也叔带
Another good day another bad day---啊 哪的古代,啊 哪的败代
what did you do to day---代吐吐代的代
Why do we choose to chase what we'll lose---外吐为处叔,切丝我唯有露s
What you want isn't what you have---沃特忘,以自沃却有汗
What you have may not be not be yours to keep---我去汗那非,吆 奥 吐体
If I could my love---爱发扣买啦
at a stop be in a park with open arms---爱为沙 爱那怕 为嗨都派瑞啊
I would save all my love---色为特色 欧买了
in a jar made of spark sealed in my beating heart---一诺叉 为特思巴,修吨马比里海
Could it be yours to keep the jar of love---克瑞比油,书体,的扎啦
Another left turn another let turns---爱那的拉夫特,爱那的海的
could he be someone I deserve---苦力笔伤么那的水
Another right turn another lesson learned---安的ruai特,按的懒丝耐
Never leave an open flame to burn---那特里外都会飞吐外
Why do we choose to chase what we'll lose---外吐为处叔,切丝我为由露s
What you want isn't what you have---沃特忘,以自沃却有汗
What you have may not be not be yours to keep---我去汗妹那非,笔有舒体
If I could my love---以发扣买了
at a stop be in a park with open arms---爱为沙,爱那怕,为嗨都派瑞 啊
I would save all my love---色为特色,欧买了
in a jar made of spark sealed in my beating heart ---亿诺叉 ,为特思巴修吨马比里海
Could it be yours to keep the jar of love---克瑞比油,舒体 的扎啦
Could you be my love---苦就比买了
Could you be my love---苦就比买了
Could you be my love---苦就比买了
Could you be my love---苦就比买了
Could you be her love---苦就比好了
Could you be his love---苦就比黑了
Could you be my love---苦就比买了
Could i be your love---苦代比有了
If I could my love---唉返苦买了
at a stop be in a park with open arms---爱为沙,爱那怕 为嗨都派瑞 啊
I would save all my love---色为特色 欧买了
in a jar made of spark sealed in my beating heart---一诺叉,为特思巴 修吨马币里海
Could it be yours to keep---克瑞比油,吐体
If I could my love---爱反苦买了
at a stop be in a park with open arms---爱为沙,爱那怕 为嗨都派瑞 啊
I would save all my love---色为特色 欧买了
in a jar made of spark sealed in my beating heart---一诺叉,为特思巴 修吨马币里海
Could it be yours to keep---克瑞比油,吐体

热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 12:07

?è′ê£oJar of love ×÷′ê ×÷?ú ?Y×à ?Y3a£o?úí???£¨wanting£? Another ?aê2?′?ò??3£3£2????á?óò?D??ò??????ê§è¥μ????÷ óμóDμ?è′2?ê?????òaμ? ò?D???

热心网友 时间:2023-09-13 12:07

雄安 为什么涨 中国对沙特,中国入球了吗 国足vs沙特首发是什么时候? 中国对沙特谁进的球 中国沙特阵容 河北雄县为什么这么火 河北雄县为什么火了 雄县 为什么突然这么火 为什么雄安新区这么火 总是听说好白菜都让猪拱了,到底是什么意思 jar of love 歌词大意? Jar of Love 中文是什么歌名。 求曲婉婷 <Jar of love> <wanting> 歌词 有中文翻译最好 那位英文好的人 谁能把这首歌全部的英文都标成中文 歌名 jar of love 求jar of love歌词 要唱的 不太懂英语 要那种 比如说把英语念成中文的那种 比如说LOVE 就是辣舞 要那种的 Jar of love' by Wanting (曲婉婷)的歌词谁有? 曲婉婷的jar of love的歌词 我也想要,be_graceful@sina.com 谢谢麻烦你啊 曲婉婷唱的jar of love歌词是翻译下 jar of love歌词翻译 Jar of Love的歌词翻译成中文 jar of love中文歌词 jar of love 曲婉婷 歌词!!! 公司断交公积金导致无法贷款怎么办 住房公积金断交了房贷怎么办 梦见天上掉下一把雨伞 梦见雨伞飞上天然后落地摔坏了 什么意思 工行普通信用卡 办理后 不会经常实用的注意事项有哪些? 第一次上高速应该怎样领卡应该注意什么 第一次办银行卡 都需要怎么做? 领取工行信用卡的注意事项有哪些? 雅妍的jaroflove在那里有mp3下载,想做铃声 求jar of love 的中文谐音歌词 英文歌词里有:好的一天,坏的一天的是什么歌? jar of love 是什么意思? Jar of love 什么意思. 怎么唱英文歌jaroflove 盘点泰剧免费普通话版大全,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 【合集】最近最火的泰剧有哪些,【在线观看】免费百度云资源 盘点热播泰剧大全,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 跪求泰剧大全在线观看,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 跪求泰剧在线观看大全,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 盘点泰国电视剧大全全部,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 跪求泰剧免费观看泰剧大全,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 盘点泰剧网泰剧大全,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 盘点最新最好看的泰剧,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 跪求泰剧大全在线看,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 跪求好看的泰剧全部大全,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 跪求泰剧电视剧大全免费观看,【在线观看】免费百度云资源 跪求最新泰剧大全免费观看,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源 盘点2021年泰剧大全,【免费高清】在线观看百度网盘资源