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an old wives' tale是什么 意思

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 10:41



热心网友 时间:2023-09-28 09:37


热心网友 时间:2023-09-28 09:38

An old wives' tale or old wives' saws is a proverb, much like an urban legend, which is generally passed down by old wives to a younger generation[1]. Such 'tales' usually consist of superstition, folklore or unverified claims with exaggerated and/or untrue details. It is so named for the alleged lack of sophistication of old wives.[citation needed] Today old wives' tales are still common among children in school playgrounds. [2] Old wives' tales often concern pregnancy, puberty and nutrition.[3]

It should be noted that this use of the word wife simply means woman rather than married woman. This usage stems from Old English wif (woman) and is akin to the German weib, also meaning woman. This sense of the word is still used in Modern English in constructions such as midwife and fishwife.

Most old wives' tales are false and are used to discourage unwanted behavior, usually in children. [4] Among the few tales with grains of truth, the veracity is likely coincidental. [5]



热心网友 时间:2023-09-28 09:38


热心网友 时间:2023-09-28 09:37


热心网友 时间:2023-09-28 09:38

An old wives' tale or old wives' saws is a proverb, much like an urban legend, which is generally passed down by old wives to a younger generation[1]. Such 'tales' usually consist of superstition, folklore or unverified claims with exaggerated and/or untrue details. It is so named for the alleged lack of sophistication of old wives.[citation needed] Today old wives' tales are still common among children in school playgrounds. [2] Old wives' tales often concern pregnancy, puberty and nutrition.[3]

It should be noted that this use of the word wife simply means woman rather than married woman. This usage stems from Old English wif (woman) and is akin to the German weib, also meaning woman. This sense of the word is still used in Modern English in constructions such as midwife and fishwife.

Most old wives' tales are false and are used to discourage unwanted behavior, usually in children. [4] Among the few tales with grains of truth, the veracity is likely coincidental. [5]



热心网友 时间:2023-09-28 09:38

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