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求高手英文翻译以下货代相关英语(内容是客户质问为何我司提供的monthly schedule为何和实际船名不同):

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 10:35



热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 06:54

For this shipment,our Co-loader Chose to use HMM's service.
As you know, for cargos bounding for LAX / USA port , our Co-loader scheles four open-vessel shippings per week, and they have agreements with quite a few Shipping Companys.
Consequently,they have more than two options in choosing Shipping Company's service - - -normally ,depending on vessel's available space and size of consigned cargo (number of containers) to make a decision. Kinds of these cases are out of our control.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 06:55

With regard to this shipment,CO-LOAER use HMM's shipping space.
As your know,America LAX cargo,we CO-LOADER have 4 vessels every week.They have agreetment with many ship company,therefore they have 2 ship company at least to chose for every shipment.Normally,it's depen on the condition of shipping space,container supply etc to decide.This is what we can not control.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 06:55

For this shipment, CO-LOADER
with the space of HMM. As you
know, the United States LAX
cargo, our CO-LOADER four
times a week, open boat. They
and many shipping companies
have an agreement, so there
are two class ships or shipping
companies more options
available to them. Space is
usually the case shown, the
supply of container various
reasons such as making a
decision. We can not control.
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