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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 12:05



热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 12:08


In your life,you may notice some people study along,work along and even live along.They like to do everything solely.They are withdrawn in character.They don’t fit in well with others.These acts are generalized solitude. 

Solitude is a unique living style as well as a state of mind.It may arise when you are left along.You don’t like to be disturbed and need not to be affirmed so that you can form an inner word by yourself where you are free and don’t restrain yourself.Just as an old saying goes“we were born to enjoy the solitude.” 

You will benefit a lot from solitude.First of all,being immersed in solitude,you can dig out yourself .Each of us is full of potential ,if your potential is fully used ,you can achieve much more success than before.In addition ,being addicted to solitude,you are master of yourself,you can’t follow others.This will get rid of much anxiety.Moreover,you will make yourself feel an ease. 

In one hundred years of solitude,Gabriel Garcia Marquez says“the secret of a good age is simply an honorable pact with solitude.”From this ,we can learn that solitude is a big offer in our life.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-17 12:08

New Year is coming.I made New Year's resolutions.I'm going to keep
healthy.I'm going to exercise every day and eat lots of healthy food to keep
fit.I also want to learn an instrument.I'm going to take guitar lessons and
practice playing the guitar in my free time.I'm going to communicate better with
my parents.I am going to study hard to get good grades.
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