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英语四人对话 预测未来

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 11:42



热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 19:06

HOST: Life in the future will be really exciting. We may live on the moon or even another planet! Scientists are studying this right now. How? Well, let’s watch this story and find out!


This is Biosphere 2.

Scientists built this place in the 1980s. They wanted to study the earth’s environment, and learn the best way to build a similar place on the moon and on the planet Mars.

This is a model of Biosphere 2. It has different kinds of places, of biomes. There’s an ocean, a rain forest, a grassland, a marsh, a desert, a farmland, and a human habitat.

Today, scientists use Biosphere 2 to study many different things, but not how to build a place to live in on the moon or on Mars.

This is a model of Biosphere 2. It has different kinds of places, or biomes. There’s an ocean, a rain forest, a grassland, a marsh, a desert, a farmland, and a human habitat.

Today, scientists use Biosphere 2 to study many different things, but not how to build a place o live in on the moon or on Mars. One important thing they are studying in Biosphere 2 is the change in climate, or weather. They want to learn why the climate is changing.

And they want to learn how this affects the earth and everything that lives on the earth.

Scientists say that in the future, people will have o make difficult choices about how they live on our planet.

What kinds of choices do you think people will have to make?
英语情景对话 关于对未来的设想 急急急急急!

A:Maybe we have no future B:(silent for 7'58")

急求!!关于 谈论 未来计划future plan 的英语对话

1. A: What are you going to do in the futhre? B: I am studying business. I think I am going to be a businessman.2. A: Well...I've heard that you are a top violin player, is that ture? B: Yes. I've just passed a test on it.3. A: So why not be ...


讨论未来的英语情景对话 Eric:Foralongtime,I'vebeenconsideringmyfuturelife.Zicci:Sowhatareyouexpectingforyourfuture?那么你期待自己的未来应该是个什么样子呢?Eric:Well,thisisreallyabigquestion.Iwanttobeasuccessfulbusinessmanbutthingsmakemefeelupset.嗯,这还真是一个大问题。我想成为一位成功的商人...


Gir1:Well,I think there will be more people.啊,我想将来会有更多的人。Woman:More people?OK.What else?更多的人?好吧,其他的呢?Boy1:I predict that there will be less free time.我预测将来的空闲时间会越来越少 Woman:I hope not!希望不会!Girl2:Well,I think there will be few...


(非常自信,希望你能成功。还有,你别忘记虚心也能决定你的未来)C:Thank you!(谢谢)A:Thank you everyone.After this progarm,we known some aspects about how to success.I hope everyone can success by watching our progarm and try your best.Thanks for watching.Bye!(谢谢各位,经过...


旁白:a,b,c and d are on their way home ,and they are talking about their ideal jobs in the future.(a=Jack,b=Tom,c=Greg,d=Helen)a:Hi,guys,what do you want to do in the future?b:I want to become a doctor.c:Why?b: Because doctors can save people's lives. What...


I'm wangNan,a student of No.1 Middle School. I have a gooa friend,Jim.He' an USA girl.We are both in Class Two,Grade Eight.She is 15 years old,one year older than me. We both study hard.I'm good at physices,but she's good at math.We often help each other with...


呵呵,是初二下的吧 People will be more smarter.people can fly.People can live in space.


A: What are you going to do in the future B: I do not know. Possible, I want to be a teacher. A: sounds difficult. Teachers can only get that wage. B: Yes. But I love children and I love to live with children, so I like to teach. A: Oh. But you have to ...


关于对未来的预测英语句子带翻译的介绍如下:There will be more trees in the future.将来会有更多的树.There will be less pollution in the futrue.在未来,污染会变少.Each family will have a robot.每个家庭都会拥有一个机器人.People will get smarter.人们将会变得更聪明.We will live in ...

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